monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which Catsy steals my boyfriend!

Because I did not go out with my girlfriends and have a fun weekend like my cousin, all I have to show for my weekend sitting on my ass butt, knitting, is this:

A hideous picture of Kim, wearing the Kimono sweater.

Today I slept until 3, when Kim woke me up to ask me how the caller ID works on the phone. Thanks, Kim! That's okay, really, because then I was awake and I brought in the mail, which included the very snarky birthday cards I ordered online last week! I would link to the website, but if I do, Diana will go there and look at the cards, and then it won't be as funny when she gets the one that I sent her!

I called RA to ask her if she thought I could still mail something today, or if it was too late, and she said if I mail it before the last pickup at 5:30, it will still go out today (and I don't know how she knows these things, but I believe her!) so I hurriedly got dressed, and she picked me up and we made a fast trip to the post office! So Diana should be getting her birthday card on Wednesday or maybe Thursday, and then if I remember, I will link to the site that has the cards.

I love those cards because they are funny and also they have some mean ones. It's hard to find a good mean card for when you hate someone or just want to send a card to your father on Father's Day that doesn't say that you love him and appreciate his wonderful fathering. I have spent hours (minutes, really) looking for just the right card to convey my (lack of) feelings - all I want is a card that says "You're my dad." Now why doesn't someone make a card like that? I bet I'm not the only person who would like to find one! They even have a card that says Asshat on the cover, which would have come in handy a couple of years ago when Rachel was engaged to one.

When I got back to the house, I took Buffy for a walk through the deep, yet slushy, snow, so that when Rich got home from work we would be able to leave right away to meet RA and her husband for dinner. (Rich worked on their home computer network on Saturday, so they were taking us to dinner in payment.)

I walked the dog over to her friend Max's house, but Max wasn't out in his yard, so she was disappointed. I was a tiny bit disappointed, too, because I was hoping to see Max's boy, Alfie. I think I've mentioned before that he's a very cute kid, and I impressed him with my excellent taste in music (pause for Diana to laugh hard enough to fall out of her chair). I was chatting with Kim's friend Catsy on the computer Saturday while Kim was off playing D&D, and Catsy said she had a date for the prom, and imagine my surprise when she told me it was Alfie! He's only a sophmore, but he's cute, and has a lot of charm, so apparently all the older girls think he's some sort of pet. Catsy mentioned that she especially likes to pull his beautiful curls (she called it a Jew-fro) and watch them bounce back. So now he's going to the prom with a senior girl. Sigh. How quickly they grow up.

Buffy wanted to hang around outside Max's house, but I bribed her to leave with a biscuit from my pocket and we went home.

What I'm reading tonight:

Powder and Patch by Georgette Heyer. This is a good one. Did I mention here that I bid on about 25 GH books for sale on eBay? I won them and I'm going to wrap them in a big box and give them to Gma for her birthday. I'm a freakin' genius!

What I'm knitting today:

My upstairs knitting is a pair of legwarmers in Noro Kureyon for Carolyn. The colors of the yarn are so juicy and bright! My downstairs knitting is the Gjende sweater, and I started the charted snowflake pattern on the body tonight. I need to buy some magnets, and then I can stick the large chart to a cookie sheet, which will hold the chart open, making it easier to track my place on the chart as I knit. My work knitting is the Ivy sweater from for Rachel. I'm using an alpaca and silk blend yarn for it and it feels so good to knit with!

What I'm watching:

While I was knitting I watched The Work and the Glory, because my movie sensei, Andy, rented it from Blockbusta and I wanted to watch it in case he has any questions about it. I want to hear what he says about it, because I am so familiar with the story, and have seen so many similar movies over the years, that it didn't strike me as anything special. I want a non-members perspective on it. I think I ordered the second movie of that series from Netflix when I orderd this one, so I should be getting that next. I never read the books, although some of my friends have and really like them, but you know I mostly only read mysteries, and am not interested in historical fiction.

Oh, one last thing. Am I a bad mother because when I ran across a link to a picture of Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter) naked, I let Kim see it? I didn't think that much of it, but maybe it was wrong. My punishment for it was that I had to explain circumcision. Oh well, it's always something.

7:04 p.m. - 2007-02-26


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