monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Rich and Kim ignore me and the dog is plotting my death.

OMG, will this winter never end? The snow, the ice, the cold wind, and I am so sick of it!

I have gone to the library twice in two weeks, and each time I come home with a pile of unreadable crap! WTF? Could someone just write a book I want to read? Actually, I just remembered that my stylist loaned me a book and I do want to read it, so I'll start that tomorrow. It's Angels and Demons, by Dan Brown, who wrote umm, you know, that book everyone was reading and then the movie was terrible and sank like a stone? I can't think of the name of it!
You know, with the Code? It'll come to me...

Rachel is coming home for a couple of days, and will be here tomorrow afternoon, so I will have someone to talk to! Not like when I am home alone with Rich and Kim and they both ignore me! Kim just plays video games on her PC with Kyle, and she wears headphones so that even if I say something to her she doesn't hear it, and Rich watches HGTV. I am so sick of watching people paint their houses and tear up their landscaping!

So when Rachel is home we can cook! There is no pressing need to cook for Kim and Rich because they don't care what they eat, and anyway, Kim is always getting pizza with her friends. In fact, Catsy was over this afternoon to do homework with Kim and they ordered pizza, and they never eat all of it, but I can't eat any of it because they like pepperoni and sausage! I will eat almost anything with a couple of exceptions and one of the exceptions is sausage! Today they branched out a little and added Canadian bacon, which did not make it better.

I have a movie from Andy that he loaned me tonight, and three Netflix movies to watch, too. One of the Netflix is Short Cuts, but Rachel won't watch that as she does not share my love for Robert Altman films. One of them is The Work and Glory, part two, and I am not so excited about that one, having watched the first one already and it was like a Lifetime movie. I will probably send it back, unwatched. The third one is Barcelona, by the writer/director of Metropolitan, and I'm looking forward to that. We watched Metropolitan a couple of weeks ago and loved it!

So cooking, knitting, movies. Sounds perfect. Oh, and getting a new phone for Rachel, which she muchly needs! So yeah, company and things to do! What's better than that?

3:04 a.m. - 2007-03-07


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