monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which Kim becomes a percussionist

Kim's new career in music:

Rich, Rachel, and I went to the high school to watch Kim play with the orchestra last night. This time I had my phone (for texting Diana) and my knitting for poking my eyes out if necessary for amusing myself during the boring bits. Last time I forgot both of those important items and spent the time whining about the discomfort of sitting in the bleachers and wishing it would end soon.

I saw the parents of one of Kim's orchestra friends there, and her mom made a sad face and said how sad it was that this was our last year of going to concerts, and I informed her that nothing could make my life better than knowing I would never have to go to another high school concert. She backpeddled on the sadness then, and admitted that it was a drag. Rachel and I left at the break, when Kim was done playing, but Rich stayed for all of it. He's a good dad.

Rachel has been here since Wednesday, so I had someone to cook and knit with. Yesterday we watched a movie, States of Grace, while we knitted, and it was great! I played Animal Crossing just for fun, too, since I haven't played in a couple of months. Then we had to go pick up some fried chicken to feed the sister missionaries for dinner. We had planned to cook something, but needed to go to the grocery store for something I forgot, so we just bought some fried chicken at the deli. The chicken was great!

After the concert last night, we took a garbage bag outside and cleaned out Rachel's car so she could get up and leave early this morning. It's a ritual every time she comes home - I clean all the water bottles, Taco Bell bags, and random reciepts and junk mail out of her car. She spends so much time traveling, that she lives in that car, and it always has clothes, books, shoes, dishes, and just trash in it!

What I'm knitting today:

Starting a new sweater for Carolyn. She says she would like a cardigan, so I'm going to make a Chicknits pattern called Scoop du Jour. I'm thinking of making one for Kim, too. I'm using Lamb's Pride in Victorian Pink.

Still working on the Gjende sweater. It goes slowly because of the charted design. I just don't work on it enough because I have to have TV or a movie to amuse me while I work on it, and there is never anything on!

In contrast to the Gjende, the wrap cardigan for Rachel is moving right along, because I can work on it at work while I read HP fanfiction! The yarn is so lovely to work with, too!

Speaking of yarn, while Rachel is here, we opened a few boxes (just the top layer in the closet) in the yarn room, just looking for the right yarn for Carolyn's cardigan. It's fun to look in the boxes, because I forget what I've got!

8:50 p.m. - 2007-03-08


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