monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I love my husband, except when I hate him.

Ow! How much does my head hurt today? Lots! I think it's the weather! Oh well, could be worse, at least I didn't get rammed on the driver's side by an 83 year-old woman and end up with a broken arm that isn't healed after 3 surgeries and many hours of physical therapy. I didn't lose my job and can't get money from the old dear's insurance company, I am not getting turned down by Social Security for disability money, and I don't have to be driven around by other people for my 3 therapy sessions a week, my weekly doctor visit an hour and a half away, and anything else I want to do, because I'm not on pain medication that doesn't eradicate the pain but makes me too woozy to drive.

That is the horrifying story I was told at the doctor's office this morning by the woman sitting next to me with finger splints and a big cast on her arm. I could have cried when she said that she woke up every day and thought about how lucky she is to be able to walk and talk. OMG.

So I'm trying to be grateful that I only have a headache today, and not something much worse.

I used to try to be thankful for something every day, and usually it was snarky and bitter, but today I am thankful that I am healthy and have such a good life. My house is dirty, but I could clean it if I wanted to, I have the use of my limbs and I can run a vacuum, should a crazy fit of cleanliness attack me when I'm not looking.

I'm lucky to have my nice kids instead of ungrateful children who don't like me and don't want me to call them up and ask them nosy questions about their lives, and give them advice and share my great ideas about what they should do!

Rich sings ridiculous little songs that he makes up about things like the cats, cholesterol, and Sasquatch, but he will eat anything I cook and he doesn't care if I buy a lot of yarn and don't pay the water bill on time - oh wait, he did mention the water bill, in fact he made up a little song about it. I look at some of the idiots that other people are married to, and I am very glad to have him!

Some people know this story, the story of how I met Rich when I was a security guard and he was refinishing floors in the building where I worked. He had just moved back to Michigan after an unhappy relationship ended and was finishing his last semester of college, and I was, well, doing nothing, really. I'd been in college but I was tired of it, my two closest friends had moved away and the bars I used to go to weren't any fun by myself (since I was a straight woman), and the gay boyfriend I'd had for the last three years wasn't working out, either. Go fig.

So I met Rich at work and thought he was interesting but that he wouldn't be interested in me because he looked like he was smart and was busy doing something interesting with his friends when he wasn't at work. Later when I told him that, he said, "Like what? Building a rocket in my basement?" and I said, "Exactly!" I also thought he looked like the kind of guy who wasn't really handsome but had a beautiful girlfriend because he was so smart and interesting. Which was true, once he started going out with me, haha! (Hey, I was a lot cuter then!)

So we went out to a movie together, and saw each other every day for the next two weeks, and then I jokingly asked him to marry me,and he jokingly said, yes, and then we thought that might be a good idea, so we did! We were married in December, after we had known each other for 3 months, and we are still married, 27 years later.

When I asked my sisters to tell me their stories, this is what Diana said in an email:

"Do you know that even though I am married to TJ so I assume he asked me, I don�t remember how, when or where? It�s sad really. We weren�t engaged, we found out about Nick, and got married 3 weeks later."

I don't think it's sad, it's a great story and it's just like us - it was just natural and comfortable. We got married and we felt like we'd always been together, and we always would be.

OMG, could I just blather off into sappiness and emotions? I hate that!

I'm going to drive down to Dekalb now to see Rachel and get my iPod back, and I'm going to crank up the Gin Blossoms real loud in the car and sing along and not think about anything!

12:16 p.m. - 2007-03-23


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