monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Home movies.

It was a slow news day at Chez Oozaroo. I woke up at noon when Kim came upstairs to change her clothes after church, and she said that after her rehearsal, she and Rich were going to meet Rachel in Rockford to shoot the scene that takes place at a school dance. I helped Kim pick an outfit and accessories for her film debut (as an extra), and they left with the harp and our ancient video camera.

Since I was up, I stayed up, and went downstairs to check my email and call Diana. She was in line at a crowded restaurant for Sunday brunch with a friend. Diana's friend had gone up to put their name in the hostess' book, and came back to say she had gotten pushed by someone next to her. On Sunday, too! Is that what Jesus would do?

Diana said she'd call me later, so I played some Free Cell and called Rachel, who couldn't talk because her meeting was about to start.

With no one to talk to, I wandered upstairs to see how messy the yarn room was. We're having company for Kim's birthday weekend, and someone is going to be sleeping up there, so I'm going to have to put stuff away. When Rachel comes home for a day or two, she just moves the yarn baskets and boxes off of the bed, but when we have a real guest, well, it's bad enough that they're gonna wake up with a cat on their head, but they should at least get a clean bed and a flat surface to put their things on.

I had an ulterior motive - it wasn't just about the cleaning - I wanted to look for the ball winder. I haven't seen it for at least a year, and I know it's up there somewhere. So I futzed around looking in the closet, and emptied a couple of boxes, but I didn't find it. I did take all the random skeins of acrylic yarns and put them in a big bag to donate to the old dears who use them to make lap blankets for the convalescent unit of the hospital. There is slightly more available floor space in the yarn room now, and when I fold Rachel's clothes (she leaves a few things in the yarn room for when she comes home) and take them upstairs it will be almost liveable in there.

Rachel says her friend who will be visiting is confidently expecting to hear embarrassing stories about her, but here's the thing, I really can't think of any! My kids claim that I often embarrass them ! Apparently forcing all of their friends to discuss birth control comes under that heading, but hey, if they're too embarrassed to talk about it, they shouldn't be doing it!

Let's see, stories about Rachel -- she and a friend ran away from home when they were about 9, but all they did was ride their bikes across town, have an ice cream cone and come home. I didn't even notice they were gone until they came back.

Rachel used to go to the park with her friends and climb the big dangerous rocks to get to a cave up on the wall over the river, but they acted like it was no big deal, so I didn't know it was scary and dangerous until someone mentioned one time that Rachel's boyfriend was scared to go across part of the path. That's when I started questioning them about it and found out that it wasn't exactly a path, it was some terrifying narrow bit of rockiness that a mountain goat would have been nervous about! The girls had been going up there for ages, so it was a little late to forbid it, and we all just made fun of the kid who wouldn't cross it.

One time I heard the girls laughing about a close call they had up there, when Rachel actually slipped partway down the rock wall, and someone saw her and called the police for help! By the time the cops arrived, Rachel had climbed back up the wall and was fine, but when the girls saw the police car, Rachel started to run! Apparently she was never taught that the policeman is your friend. Rich and I thought that was pretty funny, that our kid ran when she saw cops.

Hmm, I think part of the problem is that she didn't have a lot of adventures when I wasn't around. That's when the good stuff happens, like skinny-dipping and tp-ing, and underage drinking at the drive-in (oh, wait, that was me.) You know, the stuff that makes good stories that you laugh about later. When Rachel and her friends had a crazy plan for something they wanted to do, they usually told me about it because they knew I would be right there, passing them the toilet paper for tp-ing, or telling them what to say when they made prank calls. You want to stay out late and make out with your boyfriend? Fine, take my car, and tell me all about it when you get home. A little making out never hurt anybody, and actually that is a quote from RA, so I am not the only bad mother out there.

One thing that is very embarrassing to Rachel now is that we have movies that she made when she was younger. There is some good stuff in there, and there's one that she won't show to people at all. I wonder where the old video tapes that she made with Scott are? I should look through our tapes and put them on DVD. We had a video camera and we let them use it whenever they wanted to, so they made cooking shows, and videos of themselves just acting stupid, as well as some they made for high school classes. Oh, and the family classic - 20 minutes (at least) of us coaxing Kim to roll over when she was a month old. She did it once, and it was amazing because she was so young, so Rich and I ran for the video camera and sat on the floor, wa-a-a-aiting for her to do it again. Spoiler: she finally did.

I wonder if I have any naked baby pictures to show?


The filming that was planned for today was cancelled, and instead they held auditons to recast the male lead. So Kim's big moment was postponed and she came home and went straight to bed, claiming that she only slept for an hour last night at the sleepover.

2:22 a.m. - 2007-03-26


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