monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


This couch is getting so familiar...

It was a boring day, and I didn't get enough sleep. I woke up at about 1:30, and went to lunch with RA at the Chinese restaurant. Afterward we stopped at Joann Fabrics, because she knew she needed something there, but couldn't remember what it was. I wanted to buy buttons for the pink baby sweater, so we went in, and then wandered around, hoping something would jog her memory. She didn't remember what she needed, but I found some yarn to make a shrug for Kim to wear with her prom dress. I only bought one skein, just to swatch with, and it's going to work well. I'll have to go back later to buy more of it, and maybe by then RA will remember what she thinks she needs.

We stopped to buy a soda and then drove out in the country to enjoy the sunshine. Kim called me to say she was staying after school to audition for the Spring play, and Rachel called to tell me something, but I can't remember what it was.

Do you see what a dull day it was? I made dinner and took a nap, but it wasn't long enough, so I'm tired tonight.

I don't have anything entertaining to write about, so here's the knitting report:

- Almost done with the baby sweater.

- Washed the lacy shawl I made months ago, and left it rolled in a towel. I'm going to pin it out on the bed in the yarn room to block it, and then make everyone admire it.

- I've been ripping out the Dr. Who scarf a half hour at a time, and it's almost done. Damn! It takes almost as long to rip as it did to knit!

- Still working on the Ivy sweater at work every night, just have the sleeves to go. Started sleeve #1 tonight.

- Finished a green sock that was sitting in a basket by my bed, I just need to find the pattern so I can make the second sock.

I'm tired! I want to go home!

5:57 a.m. - 2007-03-27


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