monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


I was going to bitch about something else, but decided to go for upbeat instead.

OMG could I just get motivated to go upstairs and pin that shawl down to the bed to block it? I washed the shawl, and wrapped it in a towel that I left on the counter yesterday ("Don't touch that rolled up towel on the counter!" "What's in it? A human heart?"), and this morning I put it on the stairs so I would remember to carry it up with me later, but then I got distracted, so I still haven't done it.

My visiting teacher dropped by unexpectedly, and she claims she left a message for me asking if today was okay for a visit, but I think that might have been only in her head. So I was happy to see her, especially when I saw that she didn't have her annoying companion with her! We had time to talk, and she brought a good lesson, and then I showed her Kim's amazing prom dress that I got so cheap it was practically free, and she called her daughter and told her they needed to go shopping right that minute.

Then she inivited me to go along, so I did. So here's the thing - my daughters are pleasant (except when Kim has not had enough sleep or has PMS, and even then, if I'm spending money on her, she cheers right up!), and when I take them shopping, they will try on anything I pick out and they are not hard to please. My VT's daughter? What a pain in the ass! She didn't like anything we picked out, she didn't know what she wanted, she didn't know what size she wore, and then finally, after we showed her some good stuff, including one that had been my favorite when we were shopping there before but was just a little too tight on Kim's boobaliciousness, she said well, she liked black. Or black and white. Okay, there was a scarcity of black prom dresses, and although I love black and hardly wear anything else (pierce my lip and call me goth), I couldn't really find anything for her. But then the little pill picked a baby blue frothy prom dress with a little white bow tied under the boobage. She actually tried that one on, but I think it was too small. I had lost interest in her by then and wandered off like a baby duck, and ran into a friend of Rachel's in the jeans aisle. Hi Kat!

So my VT's kid didn't get a dress, and I was happy to go home!

I'm going to shopping tomorrow, and buy groceries so I can cook for company this weekend! Woot! My love of cooking for people is much enhanced when there are people to cook for, and nothing is better than when Sarah or Diana or both are here and I can feed them like crazy. Heidi gave me a recipe for real cheesecake, so I'm going to try that, and ummm, I don't know what else. Rachel wants 40 clove garlic chicken - that's about 3 heads of garlic, if you're curious. Mmmm.

Okay, I'm going upstairs to block the shawl. I'm doing it right now and then I'll post a picture to prove it.


Yes, the picture is blurry, but Kim was standing too close, or maybe I was just shaky and I was all hopped up on, I don't know, rage? So I finished hiding putting away things in the yarn room, so it's ready for company. I inhaled a lot of dust while I was at it, and I'll be sneezing a lot tonight!

5:54 p.m. - 2007-03-27


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