monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Kim pulled a bag of crack eggs out of her purse and my day was instantly better!

I was looking through some old Sent Mail today, trying to find something specific, and I didn't find what I wanted because Rich forced me to delete a lot of my Sent Mail on my old computer to make room on the hard drive. It didn't help and I lost an important record of my life!

Anyway, I did find a letter I wrote to Scott early last year, when he was dating Carolyn, but they weren't engaged yet, and for some reason he was obsessed with the feeling that she was about to dump him. I wrote this to him the next morning:

"I hope you're feeling better today about everything. Sometimes you just need some sleep. I got an email from Carolyn today that was entertaining, and I don't think she would bother to cultivate a relationship with me if she didn't care about you and was about to drop you like a hot rock, or is it hot potato? Yes, it must be hot potato, because hot rock is what you have if you can't tell which is your ass, that thing on your backside or that hot rock over there.

Hahaha! I slay me!

I'm going to look through VHS tapes this afternoon for some videos of Kim when she was little so we can all watch her when Grandma and Grandpa are here this weekend. Aww, the baby! She's almost 18. You never think your kids are going to grow up when they are little and bratty and you are tired of the whining, but then they do! Before you know it, they are looking over your shoulder asking what you are taking too many slightly more than the recommended dosage of so that if they have to take you to get your stomach pumped, they will know what to tell the doctor in the ER. Or maybe that only happens to me.

Another excerpt from an old email, this one to Jeanette after the breakup with Ratpick:

"...but then I remembered your other journal entry about how he was a dick who wouldn't hold your purse because of his raging redneck homophobia and I think you are so much better off without him. You just felt a little down because things have changed and it's okay to be sad about that but remember you have lots of things to look forward to, including someday finding a real man who is secure enough to hold your purse all day if need be, or even carry a manpurse of his own! ("It's European!" -Seinfeld)"

Well I can amuse myself all day like this but I have to get going. There's a party at RA's house tonight that "we" are giving. The great thing about doing something like this with RA is that once we start planning, she is happy to do all the work and all I do is go along for the shopping and say, "Good idea!" when she thinks of things to make it all even better. I love that!

4:48 p.m. - 2007-03-29


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