monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


...and I'm back at work.

Last night I came to work feeling so tired and dragged out, I can't even tell you! I tried to write a journal entry and I couldn't do it, I had nothing, even after the big weekend, with the company and the birthday cookie, blah blah blah fishsticks, and I just gave up on it.

So here I was, sitting at work, with my knitting, and what I loosely call my work was finished, so I went looking for fanfiction to read, and I couldn't find anything that wasn't just an excuse to write about sex, and while I do like sex, I also like a little story with it! I ended up doing some crossword puzzles online, and got through the night.

Today I am celebrating the geniousity of my sister Inger, who sent me her latest HP fanfiction spreadsheet a couple of days ago, and I finally got around to opening it up, and it's great! She has assigned letter grades to the stories, and made comments, and it's just generally fabulous. I bookmarked a bunch of them already, and I have something to read at work now! Woot! (Dennis, Sarah, I'll send you a copy when I get home.)

It was a dull day at my house, but I was dragging around feeling unexcited about life in general. RA is out of town, and Kim is home on Spring Break, but it's not a balanced trade when Kim is just sitting in front of her computer, wearing headphones, and paying no attention to me at all.

Wow, this is going to be a long week if I don't find something to do. Maybe I can get Kim out for a long walk every day. Like three miles! I wonder how long it is to walk down to the park and around the loop and back home? I think it might be four miles, but we could work up to that by the end of the week. Well, what else am I going to do all week? Clean? Haha, cue the sound of laughter from the audience.

12:10 a.m. - 2007-04-03


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