monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


You're welcome!

If you wrote an email to me today and I haven't answered it, here's why - Sando and Catsy came over to have a birthday party on Kim's actual birthday, and they took over both the computers in the den, along with using Sando's laptop!

Catsy signed in to Guild Wars on Kim's PC, so Kim was downloading it onto mine so she could play, too. I told the kids to go ahead and install it on my computer, but I know the next time Kim and Catsy aren't available, Sando will be IMing me, begging me to play Guild Wars with him!

I told Kim I was going to start playing it while she's at school and she'll come home and turn on the game and go, "Where's all my gold? How did I get wounded? Hey, am I drunk?" and they just laughed. They'll see...

So they played Guild Wars, and ordered pizza and ate a massive amount of crack eggs. Sando left before I came to work, but I know he's just going to go home and sign on to GW again and they'll be up playing it all night.

The girls hugged him goodbye at the door, which was entertaining for me, and he is so weird, that he didn't hug them back. He just stood there, holding his laptop case, and looking tolerant. What is up with that? Cute girls? Hugging on you? And you aren't grateful? He's so lame.

I swear, after watching Sando tonight, I'm going to write a handbook for nerdy young men with no social skills, and call it "How to be Smooth." In fact, I think I'll make it a feature here, like when I used to write how many times a day Kim changed her clothes.

How to be Smooth - today's tip:

When a girl hugs you, hug her back! Using both arms, squeeze firmly and say, in a quiet voice, "Your hair smells good."

Bonus tip: While watching a movie or looking at a computer screen, if a girl is sitting next to you, and she leans against you, put your arm around her! Don't be shy, she expects it and will wonder what is wrong with you if you don't!

There you go, two useful tips for the lame. Coming tomorrow on How to be Smooth: She's not weak, but don't make her carry her own bags!

Someday they'll thank me for this.

11:52 p.m. - 2007-04-03


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