monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


I made a hat and watched a movie.

Boring day at home. I didn't work last night, but I did work the night before, so that means I slept until 3 in the afternoon yesterday, then went back to bed at about 11 and woke up at 3 a.m.! It's probably for the best, but there's not much to do at 3 in the morning.

It's for the best because it meant I was sleepy in the afternoon, so I went to bed and napped for about three hours. Now I can be awake at work tonight.

When I was up early I knitted, and read some HP fanfiction. There is a story that I recommended to Inger when I finished the first chapter, but then halfway through the second chapter I started changing my mind about it. That happens to me sometimes, and it's because some writers start out with a bang - their writing is breezy and amusing, their ideas are good, but then they deteriorate, in my opinion, into gushing romantic dialogue, and gooey descriptions, and that really ruins it for me. I like a certain amount of romance, but the overblown, flowery, nauseating style of some of these writers is just too much. I've been forcing myself to slog through this story a little at a time, because Inger read it and gave it a high grade on her spreadsheet, but I'm just not seeing the charm in it now.

So I read that, and finished the little strawberry hat! I had forgotten how little time it takes to make one of them, and how cute they are when they are finished:

I'm going to have to make a few more of these! RA is expecting some grandbabies this year, and now Scott and Carolyn are going to have a baby, too! I'm very excited about getting a baby to play with, also about knitting for the baby!

No one is more excited about the new baby than Rich, who is already making up stupid little songs about babies. Yeah, and Scott and his high school friends called me Captain Insano!

Kim's Spring break is almost over, and she had big plans to put away all of her clothes that are piled up in her room, and to practice the harp often, but you know what she really did, right? Yup. Guild Wars, all day, every day. She never left the house today, just sat in front of her computer. I asked her if she had talked to Catsy or Sando, and she said she never heard from Catsy, but Sando was online playing Guild Wars when she got up today and was still playing when I was leaving for work tonight. When Sando was at our house a couple of days ago, I overheard him mention another GW player named Luna that he talks to a lot when he's signed into the game, and I suspect this is going to be another imaginary internet girlfriend for him. What's up with that? He's a cute kid, maybe a little weird, so why does he not have an actual girlfriend instead of these virtual girlfriends?

11:47 p.m. - 2007-04-06


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