monkeymom's Diaryland Diary



Here is the pink baby sweater, done at last, since I forced myself to sew on buttons this weekend:

Also in knitting news, I finished a pair of socks for Rachel's friend Ash, and you know what that means, right? Uh huh, it's over. She claims that she is not going to believe in the knitting curse, which says that if you knit for someone you are not married to, that the relationship will end. In her case, every time I have knit for someone she is dating, well, it ends in tears. Coincidence? Probably.

Years ago on the Knitlist, an email list for knitters, there was some discussion about whether the Curse was real or not, and people had stories to tell on both sides.

One woman had made a sweater for her boyfriend and after they broke up, she saw his new girlfriend wearing it - ouch! Another woman said that after they broke up, she went to her boyfriend's house, and when his mother answered the door, they chatted for a few minutes, and then she asked if she could use the bathroom, and while she was upstairs, she went into his room, found the sweater in a dresser drawer and threw it out the window, so when she left the house, she grabbed it off the lawn and took it with her! I loved that story!

There were one or two people who said they had knitted for boyfriends that they were now married to, and one of them said her husband was outside working on his tractor, wearing a sweater she knitted for him when they were dating. So there you go, either you knit for someone and it all works out beautifully or, he's an asshole who gives your painstaking handiwork to the next bimbo he meets.

Last time I was in a bookstore, I bought a book of knitting patterns that had some good-looking men's sweater patterns in it, and the title of it was Never Knit Your Man a Sweater, (unless you've got the ring). It explains the curse, and then gives patterns to make a guy at different points in the relationship. I thought that was amusing, but as I said, I just bought it for the patterns.

I'm making some socks for Rachel now. She wants more handknit white socks to wear to her nursing clinicals. I've got lots of white wool (off-white, actually) that I bought at the Fiber Festival about 10 years ago, and it's been in a box under the bed in the yarn room ever since. It's sock weight yarn, and I bought it from the cute Mennonite family of a two sisters and their brother. They are about the same ages as my kids and very nice. I buy things from them every year, and try to encourage the brother to be interested in Rachel, because I like him. He's not interested in dating her, but they have an ongoing challenge to beat each other in the yearly drop-spindling contest. He always wins, because Rachel doesn't practice!

Oh, so back to the white socks. I'm using a pattern that was in the pile of old patterns I found a few days ago when I was looking for something else. It has a long ribbed cuff that folds down, and a simple lace rib pattern on the body of the sock. It's fun to work on!

Okay, I need to go to bed now. Kim doesn't have school again today, and she is supposed to wake me up in the afternoon to go to the orthodontist with her, so I'd better get some sleep this morning.

7:11 a.m. - 2007-04-09


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