monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which Kim is going to lose some teeth, and there is cursing on television.

I had an annoying conversation today on IM in which Billy No-mates asked me if I would please go to Orlando with him for Gay Days. He asked me to go to something else with him last week, I think it was Disney's High School Musical on Ice. Ugh! You thought it stunk before, now try it on ice! I just wish he would make another friend so that I don't have to bear the burden of always being the one to turn him down when he wants to do something social, but not by himself. I can totally sympathize with him, as I don't even like to go to the grocery store by myself, but I don't want to help him out because he is so much not fun to be with! I just can't stand to listen to him whine about work and his lack of social life, and I don't want to participate in his social life because damn! I've pointed out to him before that it's ridiculous for him to want to go with me anyway, because I am the same age as his mother and does he want to look like he's going out to places with his mother? That's really not the way to meet new men!


I got up at 1:30 and went with Kim to the orthodontist because they wanted to talk about removing a couple of her teeth. My baby! She is going to need two bicuspids on the bottom removed, and her four wisdom teeth. I made the appointment as soon as I got home, and she's going to have it all done on the 19th. Ooh, that's in 10 days! That will give her plenty of time to heal before the prom.

Oh, and I saw Sando's mother at the office with his younger brother. She said that Sando's got his tux rented now. Awww.

I went back to bed when we got home, and slept for another couple of hours. When I woke up, I checked my email and chatted on IM with Billy No-mates until I noticed the time. It was late and Rich wasn't home from work, so Kim and I put on our shoes to take the dog for a walk.

While I was putting on my shoes, Rich arrived, and he took Buffy out so Kim and I went for a walk by ourselves, with our iPods for company. My iPod was lousy company, because it has decided to be a Shuffle, and also, to just keep shuffling and never play anything. The songs just keep flipping by. Finally it settled down and played an audiobook file, from a book I haven't heard, that I downloaded months ago. It was not as much fun as walking to music, but it was slightly entertaining.

Back home again, and I started knitting a sweater for Carolyn, feeling virtuous about having had a good walk. I'm knitting the sweater in Cotton Fleece, using a color called Lupine, which is kind of a lavendar-blue. More blue than lavendar. I would have called it Periwinkle. I'm using the pattern from called Sitcom Chic.

I brought Rachel's white socks to work with me tonight and I should be able to get a lot of the first sock done.

What I'm reading today:

I haven't been to the library in a long time, but I've got a lot of Georgette Heyer books because I've been collecting them to give Gma for her birthday. Tonight I finished The Convenient Marriage, a book I started a couple of weeks ago but I had to stop reading it because the story was frustrating me. I needed something to read while I was knitting tonight so I picked it up and thought I would just try a few more pages, and it's a good thing I did, because the story was just about to turn the corner and become very entertaining, so I enjoyed it!

I finished the book just in time to watch The Riches, my new favorite TV show. I can only watch 45 minutes of it before I go to work, though. It's a great show, I love it! Eddie Izzard, doing an American accent! Minnie Driver, using drugs! There is a teenage son who is so interesting I can't take my eyes off of him when he's in the scene, and I wish they would do more with him. And hey, can they say 'Shit' on TV? Because they do!

11:24 p.m. - 2007-04-09


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