monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I could be a bad mother, but hey! I'm not!

Kim is killing me with her raging hypochondria. Call me a bad mother (only not to my face), but I just gave her half a Xanax to calm her so she would just shut up!

Why is she all wrought up? She has an appointment on Thursday to have her four wisdom teeth and two lower bicuspids removed, as part of her orthodontia. Her two best friends, Catsy and Sando have had their wisdom teeth out already and they aren't telling her horror stories, but they were both asleep for the surgery, and she thinks that is what she needs, too. I don't agree, and Rachel had her wisdom teeth removed by this same dentist a few years ago, and has been trying to reassure Kim that she will have gas, and it will all be fine, and not traumatic at all.

But you know Kim, the Lord Mayor of Worrytown. She has been worrying for days, and today while she was napping after school, I had an IM conversation with Sando, and it appears that she didn't tell him that she was getting gas, so he thought she needed to be put to sleep, and probably thought I was really mean for not allowing it! He knows now, and I hope he can help soothe her. He tried to say some reassuring things in IM, but she was just getting worked up, so finally I gave her half a Xanax, and I hope she will enjoy the soothing effects and look forward to having more on Thursday.

Rachel talked to her about the surgery and the gas, and the dangers associated with being put to sleep for the surgery, including respiratory depression (!) and also, Sando mentioned having to have an IV for being put to sleep, which sounded bad to Kim, so I hope she will relax and not keep fretting. I just need to keep her busy and distracted until Thursday! She's going to the movies with Catsy and Sando tomorrow, so that's one thing, and I hope the Xanax will get her through tonight. Then I have to think of something entertaining for Wednesday...

So I only slept until one today, and then got up to go to Rockford with RA. She needed to go to Sam's club (the restaurant-quality strawberries, you know), and I had mentioned a trip to Hobby Lobby to find some Rainbow Elastic.

I had my knitting with me, so I worked on a sock in the car, and she babbled happily about her cat. I was too tired to care, so I just knitted and said Umhmm. I need the elastic for a cute sweater I want to make, but there wasn't any at Hobby Lobby. There was a lot of shiny stuff to distract us on the way through the store, but there wasn't any of the elastic. I'll just order it over the internets. There is no shortage of hideous furry eyelash yarns at Hobby Lobby, I'm happy to report, so if you're looking for just the right neon-colored fuzzy fur to make something hideous, there's plenty for all.

So I'm home, and I made Horrible Salad, and talked to Rachel, who is all giddy and happy (twitterpated, that's the word I want, I think), and of course I am jealous because Diana and I only wish we had a boyfriend to write nice things about how we are always on his mind, since both of us have been married for 500 years and the only time we are on someone's mind is when we forget to pay the water bill.

I'm going back to bed now, as there is really nothing to stay up for. Oh, except there's this, from last night's Futurama rerun:

Nibblonian: You are the last hope of the universe.
Fry: So I really am important? How I feel when I'm drunk is correct?
Nibblonian: Yes - except the Dave Matthews Band doesn't rock.

That just cracked me up.

4:56 p.m. - 2007-04-16


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