monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which the poor baby is suffering.

There is a Proclaimers song playing on the radio in my head, and there is one word that I don't know, and it's in the part that keeps playing over and over on an endless loop, so I just looked it up, and it's the word it sounds like, but it doesn't make any more sense now that I know what it is.

So while I'm sitting down here in the den, listening to the music in my head and playing Free Cell, Kim is upstairs in my bed, holding icepacks on her face and feeling woozy from surgery and Vicodan. Poor little girl. I should take some knitting and a book and go up and keep her company, and I will when I'm done writing this.

She's got a phone in bed with her, so if she needs anything she calls my cell phone. I just think that's funny.

It's a beautiful sunny day, and I have slept through most of it. I had a hard time getting to sleep this morning, in spite of taking drugs to help, because I didn't want to go to bed until after Kim and Rich left for the dentist's office, and then Rachel was up, so we talked a little and then I went to sleep but I woke up after just a couple of hours when Kim and Rich got home.

Rich went to work this afternoon, and Kim got in bed with me, so I slept a little more, but it's been broken up. Oh well, I'll sleep when I'm dead.


Kim's not doing so well tonight - she can't keep anything down, including her pain medication, so that's a bad thing. She's laying on the couch, watching cartoons and holding ice packs on her swollen jaw. I talked to Rachel, who told me to give her a tablespoon of ginger ale every hour, just so she won't get dehydrated, and I just went to the store to buy more gauze and also, some chicken soup in cans for her to sip at tomorrow. I'm sure she'll be fine tomorrow.

9:56 p.m. - 2007-04-19


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