monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


They need to get married before someone gets hurt!

It's been a long day. I got up and went out with RA to mail a package to her daughter, then we got a pop and took a drive. That was the most relaxed I was all day. It was downhill from there.

Actually, the long slide down started when I was still at the Post Office, and I had a call from Kim. She had gotten home from school and thought I might be shopping, and she wanted to tell me that she still had my debit card from going to the movies last night. I told her to just put it on my desk so I'd see it when I got home, no problem.

Then I told her that I talked with the oral surgeon's office today and that she was going to be asleep for her surgery tomorrow. I thought she would be happy after all the anxiety she suffered on Tuesday, but no! She was upset because now she'll have to have an IV, and also, Rachel told her about the possible problems that can happen with getting a general anesthetic when we were trying to calm her panicky fears because she was getting gas instead of being asleep like her friends! She carried on so much that I finally said one solution would be to take off the braces and not have the surgery at all, but she doesn't want to do that!

So by the time I got done talking to her, I was upset, too, and it was nice to have that relaxing drive around the park and through the fields, with a cold soda in my hand!

The good news from that conversation with Kim is that the prom problem is settled and everyone was happy at lunch today. I'm glad that's over!

I got home and called Rich to let him know the plan for Kim's surgery tomorrow, and he offered to take her in for it in the morning, so I can come home and go to bed. Yay! I was going to just stay up in the morning and take her in, but I would need to go to sleep when we got home, and I was worried that after she had a general anesthetic, she might have a bad reaction and I would wake up to find that she had choked on her own vomit and died in her sleep like a rockstar. You know how morbid I am.

(Oh, and when I told Kim that because she's getting a general anesthetic, she can't eat or drink after midnight, like a Mogwi, she was like, "A what?" She didn't know what I was talking about!)

So with that all taken care of, I sat down to knit and watch TV until Rachel got home. I picked up the shrug to work on that, and OMG, I must have dropped a stitch somewhere and there was a huge hole under one arm! I can pick up dropped stitches, so I wasn't worried at first, but the more I looked at it, the worse it looked! There were many dropped stitches, and the yarn is dark blue and also sparkly, so it's really hard to see what I'm looking at! I put it down when Rachel came in, and said I would get back to it later, when things were quiet and I could concentrate.

Rachel came in, kind of giggled, and dropped a traffic ticket on the coffee table! Apparently she was speeding on her way to our house, and wasn't even aware of it, barely noticed the flashing lights of the cop who wanted her to pull over, and didn't have enough sense to flash him some cleavage so he'd go easy on her! He was kind enough to write the ticket for a lesser speed than what she was actually doing, so that's something. She says she was just driving along, listening to an audiobook and thinking about ham (which turned out to be a lie), and didn't notice her speed at all.

Later she admitted that she might have been daydreaming about Ash, and that's why she got a ticket for speeding, and apparently he has been forgetful and unfocused lately, too, because they're all twitterpated!

I needed a nap, being exhausted just from living, and Rachel came upstairs to play a video game while I slept. Before I went to sleep, I sat on the bed, trying to get Kim's shrug back on the needles, and it was such a mess, and I was so tired, that I flipped out! I threw that thing on the floor, and then I threw my book after it, and Chester the cat was laying on the bed, watching stuff fly by like he was at a tennis match, which pissed me off more, so I threw a pillow at him. He was wise enough to run for his life at that point.

Rachel just kept playing and didn't say anything because she is smarter than a cat, and I sat there, fuming, and then the doorbell rang! I wasn't going to answer it - I was too mad, and who would be stupid enough to come over when the pillows of fury are flying?

Kim answered the door, and came upstairs to say that Max was at the door. Max? The dog? What did he want? Rich went to the door then, and called me down because Max was at our house, with his owner, who was out walking the dogs, Max and Higgins, and had stopped to show me the new dog, Maggie! OMG, what a precious little puddin'! Max is a Cairn Terrier (a Dorothy dog, if you know what I mean), and Higgins is a West Highland Terrier, which is the white version of a Scotty, and Maggie is a little black Scotty, only a few months old! Awww!

It was cold outside, but Rachel and I went out to admire the puppy and play with the dogs! Buffy was very interested in Maggie, who was scared of a big Sheepdog, and when Buffy kept getting close to smell her, Maggie got mad and barked at Buffy in a menacing 8-inch-tall manner, and after that Buffy kept her distance!

So that was fun. The dogs were so cute, and the puppy was so cuddly! Rachel was holding her and the puppy took a nose-dive off of Rachel's lap and down the steps, and when Rachel grabbed for her, she kind of missed and caused Maggie to do a somersault and a half down to the ground, which was pretty funny but her 'daddy' was a bit worried.

After they all left, I went back to my room, and Rachel sat on the bed to keep me company and talked to Someone on the phone. I went to sleep. And now I'm back at work and the (damned) shrug has been taken apart and put back together and all the stitches are back on the needles! Ahh, is this not happiness?

2:03 a.m. - 2007-04-19


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