monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which my purse gets wet and I want to knit more socks.

I was planning to sleep longer today, because I won't be getting a nap in the evening, but then Rachel called at noon, because she was out getting lunch and having a boring day. Well, I was awake after that, thanks, so I called RA and we went grocery shopping.

Rich and I are going to Dekalb to pick up the couch from Rachel's apartment tonight, and knowing that she hasn't gone grocery shopping yet, I bought a few things for her, so she'll have food while she studies this week. She has to do all of her studying during the week because now she has a hobby* on weekends that keeps her from studying then. She's only got a couple of weeks left of school, and then the pressure will be off for a while, and she can just work and sleep during the summer.

So anyway, groceries. We went to the grocery store, and kept running into people I know, from work or from knitting, so that was fun, and I also got some shopping done. The lines were long, so I opened a bottle of Diet Pepsi to drink and talk to a friend who was in line ahead of me, and RA read a magazine. When it was my turn to check out, I paid for my soda and put it in my purse, to drink in the car.

We pulled into my driveway, and I reached into my purse for my keys, and my purse was wet! Very wet, like so wet there was a puddle in the bottom! It was weird, because the bottle wasn't in my purse, I had been drinking it on the way home, so it was like water had spontaneously appeared in my purse, and I quickly pulled everything out and dropped it on the grass beside the driveway, and then poured my purse out on the grass, and it was obviously Pepsi, but where did it come from? It's a mystery.

I dried my purse out as best I could with paper towels, and it's drying now. I put all my stuff in a different purse (because I have quite a few), but yeah, weird.

So it's always something. You don't get enough sleep, you see the whole world at the grocery store, Diet Pepsi spontaneously spouts from your purse, and then you remember that your scary visiting teacher is coming over later. It's like the seventh circle of hell.

Knitting news:

  • Still working on pink wool sock #1

  • I knitted about 4 inches of the leg oof a green sock last night at work, because I needed a break from the pink wool sock. I'm using some Trekking sock yarn in a lovely varigated dark green. I think it's going to be for Rachel's uh, friend. Unless it would lead to cursing and bad juju. What do you all think? I would take a picture but my camera is still at Rachel's. Maybe i can remember to grab it tonight when we see her.

  • I'm thinking of starting another sock today, because I want to knit the pattern. It's a sock pattern from Nancy Bush's Knitting on the Road book, and I've made two pairs of socks with that pattern before. It's fun because it has stripes to make it interesting and break up the boring stockinette st. This one would also be knitted with Rachel's uh, yeah, in mind, but I'm wondering if that would be a bad idea, because I actually made a pair like that for Biscuits and you know what happened there! So again, please give me all your thoughts on this.

I'd better go find the yarn and some needles and start those socks so I will have something in my hands to distract me from the weirdness of my visiting teacher. And hey! I can poke her with them if she tries to hug me before she leaves! (I'm going to Hell for sure. Good thing there will be plenty of Diet Pepsi there. Although according to Diana, it sounds like Diet Coke is the official drink of Hell. That makes it official, if they hand me a Diet Coke, I'll know I'm in Hell.)

* Hobby = driving to Indianapolis

2:25 p.m. - 2007-04-25


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