monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


With fingernails that shine like justice...

Oh man, it's already been a long day and I still have to go to work tonight!

I went out to get bloodwork done this morning after fasting for 12 hours, and afterward I went to breakfast with RA, and then came home for a nap.

RA needed to cut up vegetables for a wedding reception tonight, and just to entertain her while she chopped, I took my knitting and a Netflix movie to her house so we could watch while she chopped.

I just sat on the couch and knitted, because she had bought mostly precut vegetables, and she was using her fancy chopper to do the rest, so it was a one-person job. The movie was Flushed Away, an animated movie by the same people who do the Wallace and Gromit movies, so it was cute, and Hugh Jackman did the voice of the lead character - does it still make the movie better if the character takes off his shirt but it's only a cartoon? He didn't take off his shirt, though, but maybe Diana can just imagine Hugh taking his shirt off in the studio while recording.

When I got home, Kim had arrived home from school and gone to bed in my room, because she has a really bad cold. Didn't we just get her over that bad cold with the cough that she needed a chest xray and antibiotics for? Why is her resistance so low?

I woke her up at 6 p.m. just in case she wanted to go to the wedding reception with us, but she was crabbier than anything and she didn't want to go. She sat on the couch in the den and ate some hot chicken soup, and we went to reception with RA and her husband, because it was out in the country somewhere, and RA's husband said he thought he knew how to get there.

It's been grey and drizzly off and on all day, but it wasn't rainy at all when we got to the reception. It was lovely. There was a big tent set up on the family's property, and votive candles were floating in bowls of water on tree stumps. We never did go into the tent, where there were lots of people sitting at tables, and I felt claustrophobic just looking at it. I'm sure it wasn't as bad as it looked once you were inside, but I didn't go inside to find out, did I? Rich went in to fill a plate, and I just stood outside with the groom, and talked to his sister. They have both spent quite a bit of time at our house playing euchre and Animal Crossing, so it was fun to see them again.

There was a table to drop off gifts, and a pile of gift pens for guests to take, and next to them was a paper with the story of how the couple 'met cute', and it was all about him borrowing a pen from her at church, so he would have an excuse to talk to her. I said to the person next to me, 'Oh, just like in the song,' thinking of the Cake song, and they looked at me blankly, so I shrugged and went to tell Rich that it was just like the song, and he also looked blank, so I said, 'You know, At Citibank we will meet accidently, we'll start to talk when she borrows my pen,?" and he still stared at me and I said, 'You've heard it dozens of times in the car!' and yeah, he didn't really know what I was talking about, so evidently when I am playing stuff in the car, if it's not Enya he's not listening. Need I even say that it's never Enya?

8:57 p.m. - 2007-05-04


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