monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which we went downtown to watch the prom kids.

Well, that was fun! I just got to work after watching the Grand March downtown at the prom! It was fun, and you know, usually I have dresses to make fun of and poor choices to mock, but this year everyone looked pretty good.

I don't like white tuxes, and there were a lot of white tuxes this year! I noticed that orange and shades of orange - peach, terra cotta, and melon - were very popular again. The dresses were mostly unobjectionable, and there were no baseball caps this year, for which I was thankful. I did see a lot of jiggle that didn't need to be there, but more cases of not enough to fill the underwired cups, so they stood out like shelves, and I didn't see any cups runneth over, so that was a relief.

Kim looked darling, and Kyle looked good, too. I took pictures, but since Rachel forgot to bring my digital camera, I had to buy a couple of disposable cameras and we dropped them off at Walmart to get them developed, but the photo department was closed when we went back just after 9 to pick up the pictures, so there will be no pictures tonight.

Kim's hair was just too cute. She got her hair and brows done early and then was gone the rest of the day at the rehearsal and then the concert in Rockford. Rich was with her, and he said the concert was great.

Rachel got to our house about 2 in the afternoon and we went to Walmart to buy cameras and bras. When we got home we both took a nap in my bed, and about the time we woke up, Kim and Rich were just pulling in the driveway.

Kim got dressed and we put her tiara in among her curls, and then Catsy, Britta and Catsy's date showed up. Catsy was there to do Kim's makeup, and she did a good job, it was very glamorous. Rachel thought it was a little too glamorous; she said it looked undead, but I don't agree, I thought it was pretty!

Pictures on Monday!

11:18 p.m. - 2007-05-05


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