monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Remember the Little Shawl of Horrors?

Hmmm, I'm trying to think of what I can write about, and I'm coming up empty. I was really sleepy when I got home this morning, and I could barely stay awake long enough to yell about the dog peed carpet before I crawled upstairs to bed.

When I woke up, it was after 12, and Rachel was getting ready to leave for church in her ward. Rich was just getting home from our meetings, and Kim was asleep. Rich said that Kim got home at 4 in the morning (they stayed for the post-prom party) and she got up to go to sacrament meeting, and then came back home to bed. Sando didn't show up at church at all, and Kim said he was a slacker.

I stayed up for a couple of hours, but I was still sleepy. I went to RA's house and we walked in the park together, and when I got home, I went back to bed. I slept for another hour or so, and got up again. There was really just nothing to do, and I was cold! So after another hour, I went back to bed.

That's right, all I did was sleep. Every time I got up, Rich was folding another basket of laundry, and when I asked him why (and I can't explain why I was even asking, I should have just enjoyed it!), he said he had gone to the laundry room to wash the towels he's been using to mop up dog pee (and what is wrong with the dog? Why is she peeing on the floor? I hate her.), and there was a basket of clean clothes in front of the dryer, so he brought that one up to fold, and then the next batch of clothes was dry, so he folded theose, and he had towels in the dryer, so he was going to fold those, so oh happiness, there is a lot of clean, folded laundry at my house!

Tomorrow is Senior Skip Day, and if there is any sort of organized skipping activity, Kim doesn't know about it, but since she has an orthodontist appointment in the morning, and something else in the afternoon (but I can't remember what), she is going to stay home. She already has plans to go to breakfast with Sando, and that's probably a good idea, because I suspect that she'll have a sore mouth after her ortho appointment. She had those teeth removed, and now the doctor will start putting some serious effort into closing the gaps. Ouch.

I'm finished with two pair of the four, no five pair that I've been working on. Rachel took those two pair with her, since one pair was the off-white pair I made for her, and the other pair she just liked, so she took those too. I have two more pair on the needles for her to take to Someone when she goes out of town this weekend. After that, I want to start a sweater, in fact I have been thinking of two sweaters, maybe three, and I think I'll just cast on for all of them, and one can be my work knitting, one can be my television knitting, and the other can be my bedroom knitting. Oh wait, I already have bedroom knitting... So I'll finish that one and then cast on for the third sweater that I've been thinking about.

I need to start planning a christening shawl, too. I'm not very good at knitting lace, though. I'm going to have to consider this - it's a big step. Remember when I was going to knit a wedding shawl for Rachel? It's just lucky that the wedding was called off before I lost my entire mind!

Haha, the last paragraph of this entry is all me complaining about that shawl!

More shawl bitching here

2:21 a.m. - 2007-05-07


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