monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


More finished socks!

More finished socks to report! Yay! I finished the second of the Hiiumaa Mismatched Mates socks! I am making those to give to Rachel's um,yeah, and I asked him if he would think it was too weird to wear, and he wasn't sure. I think they look cool, and they aren't frantically mismatched, like something Dobby would wear! They are the same colors, it's just the stripe pattern that is different on each one. I think they would be charming under a suit - a little lighthearted Sunday wear!

I've got about half of the second sock of a pair of very beautiful socks made of Trekking yarn in shades of dark green, and if I finish that soc tonight, Rachel can take both pairs with her when she leaves tomorrow, and give them to him when she sees him this weekend.

So yeah, I'm off this weekend for three days, and Rachel is going out of town again, Kim is busy with that Guild game she plays with Sando and Catsy over the internet, and Rich will be spending quality time with his dog, so I'll just be floating around the house with nothing to do. Sigh.

Or, I could get some library books and start a sweater to work on while I read. I finally got three more skeins of Cotton Fleece in Prairie Lupine for a total of six skeins, and now I can make a sweater for Carolyn. I'm going to make the Sitcom Chic sweater, and after that I have plans to make a maternity sweater from a pattern called Bump Sweater at

I have plans for more socks, too. The Ute Socks from a pattern by Nancy Bush - I think the pattern in in the Favorite Socks book from Interweave Knits.

I need to start looking for a pattern for the christening, shawl, too. One that won't be too complicated...

Oh, and here is a picture of Kim and Sando, taken before the prom:

3:42 p.m. - 2007-05-08


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