monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which our dog is a pig.

Rachel came home last night and brought back my camera! There was much rejoicing, and not only because of camera home-coming, but also because Rachel's um, yeah, got a new cell phone! His phone died last week, and they haven't been able to talk on the phone for two hours a night for five days! So to make up for it, they talked for five hours, and this is what Rachel looked like from the time she got here, until it was time for me to go to bed:

I bought that shirt she is wearing because I thought it was hilarious - the Japanese lettering says something like 'Talk to me in the language of computers.'

On Monday I was shopping with RA, and we both wanted chocolate, so I bought a bag of Dove milk chocolate promises, and after I ate two, I gave the bag to Kim and told her to hide it, planning for us to eat a little every day, instead of eating it all at once. So on Tuesday, I asked Kim to get the chocolate out, and she came back from the den empty-handed and said the bag wasn't where she left it. She had put it at the back of one of the shelves of her desk, but it was gone!

The shelves of her desk? They are open shelves, which means any dog just passing through could smell it! Just on a hunch, I opened the door to the kitchen cupboard where we keep the trash bag, and aha! There was an empty, dog-chewed bag that had previously contained chocolates! That bad dog!

When Rich came home from work, I asked him about the candy bag that was in the trash, and he said he didn't see any candy, he just found the bag on the floor and thought it was trash. Well, It was trash by the time he saw it!

The most disturbing part of the whole story is that Rich only found the bag, and those chocolates were individually wrapped in foil! So the dog ate them, foil and all! We just have the dumbest dog in the world.

3:39 p.m. - 2007-05-09


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