monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which the cats escape, but they come back.

Yesterday, when I woke up in the afternoon, I was surprised to find that the cleaning lady had not come, and also, that an anonymous cat had been sick in the living room. I am so lucky! I cleaned up after the cat, and tried to be zen about it, i.e. not using bad language or wishing the cats would die.

This morning I woke up too early, having gone to bed early last night, and what do I find in the living room? That's right, another pool of catsick. I am hatin' on the cats right now.

So other than cleaning up after cats, I don't have much going on. I went to the doctor yesterday at Rachel's insistance, to see if he could give me something for this itching rash I have all over, and he agreed that it is probably caused by the increased dosage of the Vitamin B shot I've been getting, so he gave me some new antihistimine pills, and more cream for my regular allergy-related rash (Hello, cats! Look what you do to me!). The new pills are tiny little dark green round pills, that look like something from a video game, like they should give me super powers to throw fire or ice, or to heal members of my fighting party.

When I got home from the doctor visit, Kim and Sando were in the living room, eating pizza and playing a game on the Gamecube that required them to be attached to it by long cords leading to their Gameboys, and also Sando was playing something on his laptop, which he had propped on the couch. (Multi-tasking!). I ate a slice of Kim's pizza, and then pulled out some knitting, and watched them play for a couple of hours.

I've got some library books and two more Netflix movies to watch this weekend, to keep me busy while Rachel is out of town. Kim will be ignoring me like she always does, except that she is available to take a walk at night, so that's another thing I can do.

Last night after Sando went home, I took my walking poles and went for a very brisk walk with Kim. We walked the two-mile walk, and she told me about some ideas for the story she is writing. When we got back to the house, Patsy flew out the door as soon as we opened it to come in, and Kim, who was behind me, looked at him, but did not try to catch him! I took off my shoes and got a big drink of water, and a few minutes later, as I started upstairs, I saw that the front door was hanging open! Did she think Patsy was going to come back in by himself if the door was open? I closed the door and went upstairs, and later when I came back down, I opened the door, just to look out and see if Patsy was waiting on the steps to come back in, and when I did, Chester came in, followed by Patsy! I was suprised to see Chester outside - he hates the outdoors! He must have seen the door open and thought he'd give it another try, and then once he got out there, he remembered, "Oh yeah, this is that place I hate!"

5:44 a.m. - 2007-05-11


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