monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I was happy, so I bought yarn!

Yesterday I spent 2 hours sitting in bleachers in a hot gymnasium watching Kim's high school graduation. I've got a picture of her in her neon orange cap and gown, but it's at home and I'm at work, so I'll post it tomorrow.

After the ceremony, we all came home and slept. Kim had been up late the night before, playing Guild Wars online with her friends, and I had worked all night, so we were both tired, and Rich mowed the lawn while we were sleeping, then he took a nap, too.

Rachel was out of town this weekend, and she called this afternoon while I was looking at sock yarn online, to say that the wedding date of August 11 looks good, and I was so happy to hear it, that I bought some yarn to celebrate!

When Rachel got home tonight, I was just waking up from a nap (I know, it sounds like all I do is sleep!), and after I had a Diet Pepsi to wake up with, we put on our shoes to go for a walk. That got Buffy all excited, so Rich got her ready to walk, too, and then we had to wait because Kim decided to go with us, but first she had to change her clothes (you know how many times a day she changes her clothes!).

We set off down the sidewalk, and just did the two-mile walk, with Buffy herding us as we went. She doesn't like to walk in front of us, she has to keep turning around to check on us, so Rich walks her at the rear of the herd, and she occasionally comes up beside us, just to make sure she hasn't lost anyone. She gets tired by the second mile, because she really is a lazy dog, and she watches us all from behind, while Rich strolls along, listening to an audiobook on his MP3 player.

What I'm knitting today:

  • Finished the first sleeve of the Starsky sweater.
  • Sock #1 of the maroon Diagonal Rib socks.
  • Sock #1 of the orange Trekking XL Jaywalker socks.
  • Sock #1 of a plain white pair in 3X1 rib for Rachel.
  • Just need to do the front finishing of the Sitcom Chic sweater for Carolyn, and I'll send it with Rich when he goes to BYU with Kim at the end of June.
  • Finally got the skein of Elegance from Knitpicks to finish the wrap sweater for Rachel.

12:16 a.m. - 2007-06-04


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