monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which we have ice cream and cake. But I didn't eat cake because I don't like frosting.

So I slept some today, but not nearly enough, because Sando's mom called in the morning and woke me up when she needed (needed) to get on the internets and their internets were down, but if she could reach Sando at the amusement park, then she could get the password to unlock his laptop and connect to the internets using their neighbor's wireless connection! Which is kind of funny, but I was sleeping! So I gave her the number for Rich's cell phone (that he never turns on), and for Kim's cell phone (ditto), and wished her luck at reaching them.

I couldn't go back to sleep after that, so I got up and made myself a bagel with herbed goat cheese and lox (yum!) and talked to Rachel, who was getting dressed to go to the second day of orientation, and was also about to take Buffy for a walk. Then I took another sleeping pill and went back to bed when she left for work.

At about 4 I got another phone call, this time from Kim's Peer Mentor at BYU who wanted to remind her that it's time to register for Fall classes, and I told him I would get right on that, but she is out of town this week, riding roller coasters.

When I went downstairs, Rachel was just getting home from orientation, and about to take Buffy out again. So I made some dinner for us, while Rachel registered Kim for Fall classes,and I hope she likes what she gets, since I have told her at least 10 times that she needs to sign up for Fall classes, and she hasn't done it.

Then Heidi came over to drop something off, and she stayed to admire Rachel's ring and talk about knitting. We are planning to have a Frodo-fest (with knitting), because apparently Heidi has not seen any of the Lord Of The Rings movies, if you can believe there is one person left on this planet who hasn't, or maybe there are many but none of them live with me.

Then Rachel remembered that it was her friend Loni's birthday, and the Singles Branch was supposed to be meeting for ice cream in Dekalb, so I went with her, just for the ride. I took my knitting, which is the white sock I'm knitting for her in Paton's Kroy, one of my favorite sock yarns, and it was actually pretty fun. She did spend most of the ride there and back talking on the phone, but listening entertains me almost as much as conversation that I am part of, so it was a nice little outing.

We got back home just in time for me to go to work, so I didn't get a walk tonight, and I didn't have time to return any of the phone messages on the answering machine, either. Rachel took the dog out for one last walk, and was going to put the garbage can out by the curb. I put some Diet Pepsi and some leftovers in my workbag, and here I am.

One of the calls on the answering machine was from Rich, who says the cabin he is staying in with the kids at Cedar Point is very nice, and it's been raining a little but they're having a great time, and one of the messages was from Catsy's mom, wondering if I have heard from the travelers. So I'll call her back tomorrow and tell her that the cabin is nice and it's been raining a little.

For Rachel's report on dog walking (and feeding!), go here.

11:34 p.m. - 2007-06-05


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