monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which we are the hosts of (another) co-ed sleepover.

I spent a lot of time in bed, but it didn't seem like I slept enough. I woke up when Rachel came home at 11, and stayed up until she left at 1, but it was hard to go back to sleep and when I did, I dreamed wierd dreams.

Rachel came home at 4, and tried to interest me in getting up to go for a walk with Kat and her little dogs, but I could not get up for that, and then I could hear Kat and the 'boys' arriving (and can I just say here, that she calls them the boys, but she dresses Phinneas like a big sissy! And named him Phinneas!) and then Buffy got all crabby and growled at them! Rachel told me later that Buffy was still growling and snappy at them on the walk, too, and I think it's because she's upset that her daddy is still out of town.

I finally got up at 6, and ugh, the house is getting dirtier every day! I told Olga not to come and clean because Rachel wanted to do it, and well, you know how that is, it doesn't get done. So I'm living in a dirty house. I'm not happy about that, and tonight I had to do the dishes, too, because Rich is gone.

I did get some knitting time while watching a movie with Rachel, and it was great! It was just brilliant, really, and we couldn't look away! The movie is called Brick, and it's modern, but very film noir, with high school kids involved in subtle plotting involving murder and drug dealing, and they all talk a snappy, obscure dialog that sounds like an old gangster movie, but it's fascinating to listen to, because it's so poetic. It reminded me of listening to Shakespeare. OMG, Joseph Gordon-Levitt is so tortured and driven, and he really needs someone to love him and give him hot soup, and maybe lick him on the nose. I got the movie from Netflix after I read an article about him in Slate, and I was not expecting it to be so good!

So after the amazing movie, I wanted to get a walk, so Rachel, who is very tired from walking a dog at the crack of dawn every day, dragged herself off of the (dog's) couch, and we walked, but the movie had made us both a little leery of passing cars, and you know some dogs are afraid of the dark, too. We walked our two miles, plus a bonus mile earlier in the evening before the movie, so the dog should be happy now.

Back at home, the kitchen was a mess, and Rachel was really tired, so I told her to go to bed, and I went into the kitchen and did the dishes like a real mom. I hate doing the dishes, but I'm feeling rather noble about it now.

Oh, I almost forgot! Rich called me at work this morning about 6, and said that he was the only one awake at the cabin, and he was sitting outside on the porch, watching the lake and the sunrise. He said he was tired so he let the kids all sleep in the bedroom where there are three beds, and he slept in the living room, and had a good night's sleep, but he doesn't know what time they went to sleep because they were all in there talking.

Well that's just fine, because I don't care if the two girls and Sando share a bedroom - I know they aren't up to anything naughty, but you know how some people are, and I have been called a permissive parent by a furious mom at our church before, for a lesser crime. So I thought I should just let the other parents know about it before the kids got home and mentioned it to them.

I called Catsy's mom first, because they don't go to our church, and are pretty relaxed about things anyway, so that was easy. She wasn't concerned, which is what I expected. Then I called Sando's mom, and she was the one I thought might possibly care if anyone would, but nope! She knows they aren't up to anything either, especially not the three of them together, so cool! I'm not a bad mother (today)!

11:27 p.m. - 2007-06-06


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