monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Asspop, marshmallows, crayfish.

So RA is back from her trip to visit her daughter for two weeks, and we went out for chilidogs for lunch! I've missed the chilidogs!

I'm back home, drinking the last Coke Zero, and thinking about how much it tastes like ass. Asspop, heh.

Rachel was sick with another cold this weekend, so she and Ash spent most of the weekend sitting on the couch playing Paper Mario for my entertainment again, because she was too sick to do much else.

She had to get dressed and go out on Saturday morning for engagement photos, so I put some rosy makeup on her pale, sick face, and gave her a hairdo, and we all dragged out with the photographer to take photos in the sweltering heat!

I had come home from work and hadn't been to bed yet, so I was barely functioning, but all I had to do was pass tissues to mop sweaty faces, and carry all the accessories, i.e., lipsticks, sunglasses, and paintball guns. I hope those pictures with the guns turn out good, because they were my favorites!

We finished with the pictures at noon and I staggered into bed, about 5 hours later than usual, and was awake again in just a few hours, so I was pretty tired at work that night, and I haven't really caught up yet.

Friday night was Kim's camping trip, and it went well, apparently. The reason they did the camping was so they could film a scene for their movie out in the woods, but Kim was disgusted when she got home, because they did the filming, but Some People (Sando, and probably Catsy) refused to howl! Some People just do not care about the movie!

She said they caught crayfish and boiled and ate them. Well, Kim ate them, but Britta refused because she thought they were too cute to eat!

Also, a racoon stole their bag of marshmallows, so Kim didn't get to eat as many Smores as she wanted to! It was an exciting time. Oh, and the girls couldn't get their fire lit, so an 'old guy' from a neighboring campsite helped them.

So that's the weekend recap. Not very exciting, unless you were running from racoons, hyped up on the sugar in the stolen marshmallows, but it was okay. Sitting in the living room, knitting and watching people play Paper Mario makes me happy, but I wonder if Ash might be getting tired of the low level of entertainment we have to offer.

1:21 p.m. - 2007-06-18


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