monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


It'll be a cold day in Hell.

I'm so sick of the Sitcom Chic sweater! I have the sweater finished, except for the finishing, and it's kicking my butt! I spent the whole day picking up stitches along the right front edge, and I did it over and over, because I could not get the numbers right, not even when I tried doing like a smart person and marking off the front edge in quarters and picking up 1/4 of the stitches in each section! It was still off! Every time! Finally at work tonight I got the right front to come out right, and when the edging was bound off, I had to start all over on the left side, but I only had to do it about 4 times until I got it right, and now both of the fronts are done! Which would be cause for rejoicing except that now I have to pick up stitches around the neck, and the count doesn't matter so much, but picking up the stitches is hard! The neck stitches don't have as much give as the front stitches, and now I'm just sick of the whole thing, so I put it away and I'm working on a sock. Whew!
Oh, but one more thing - the edge that I'm knitting on? The color is slightly different because I ran out of the yarn and had to buy another skein and the dye lots are different. It's a slight difference, but noticeable, but it's only the picked-up edges, so I'm calling it a design element.

I went out with RA today and mailed Kim's PC to Scott's house. I couldn't life the box up off the floor to take it to the car! I scooted it along the floor to the door, and then Kim saw me and ran for her harp dolly. We put it on the dolly and took it out to the car where RA loaded it into the back seat. When we got to the shipping store, we couldn't get it out easily, so I went into the store to find the owner and ask him to carry it in for us, but he wasn't around, just some of the skinny bimbos who work there, and one of them offered to help, so I took her out to the car with me, and that tiny little girl lifted that box and hauled it into the store by herself! She had to stop and rest it on the hood for a minute, but dang! I couldn't even get my (short tyranasaurus) arms around the box!

When we were in the store, the girls put the box on a scale and it weighed 50 pounds, so wow, that skinny little girl carried a 50 lb box! It should get to Scott's house on Saturday, and Rich will be there to hook it up for Kim in her dorm room.

When I got back home again, the mail had been delivered, and Rachel had received an invitation to Biscuit's wedding (Yes, I opened it, so sue me in the world court). I can't believe that idiot thinks that Rachel is at all interested in attending his wedding, or even knowing about it. Is he sadistic or just stupid? Based on his previous behaviors I would have to say stupid, but wow, he is so stupid that he must be riding the short bus to his wedding! He had enclosed a picture of himself and the poor unfortunate soul he is marrying, and you know what? She looks like Rachel! I showed it to Rich when he got home from work and he took one look and said, "She looks like Rachel!" without being prompted, and that's from a person who doesn't even notice when I've just had my hair cut and colored, so you know it's a striking resemblance. So yeah, he's (possibly) getting married on July 7, and if he is able to actually go to his temple wedding, you'll know it when you wake up that day and have to ice skate to work because Hell has frozen over.

Kim is still packing on and off when the mood strikes, and when she's not packing, she's sitting on the couch with Rachel's laptop, IMing with Britta and Catsy. Sando left today with his parents to go to BYU and Kim said she got a message from him that he was in Las Vegas, but he must have been on a layover, and after a couple of minutes he stopped replying to messages, so he must have been continuing on his flight. Kim will be out there Thursday night, and will probably see him Friday. Her phone died tonight while she was talking to Rasheed, but she was going to have to get a new plan when she gets to Utah anyway, so the timing is good.

So that's my day. Bad knitting, idiot behavior, heavy boxes, and dead phones. Now where did I put my ice skates?

4:15 a.m. - 2007-06-20


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