monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I dream of waffles.

I just got a call from Kim, who was wandering around campus in the company of Scott, Carolyn, and Sando, looking for the movie I told them would be showing in a courtyard. It was supposed to be showing at 9:30 and was a movie they all wanted to see, but oops, my news was old, and it was actually showing two weeks ago. Apparently I am turning into my mother, who never got anything right. Sigh.

Rachel is in Indiana for the weekend, and Kim is away at college, and what am I doing? Well, the same things I always do, going out for lunch, shopping, and knitting, but without the entertainment factor of my kids. I'm getting used to it, though, and actually, the house is gradually getting tidier, since I am putting away their stuff and it stays put away! Rachel is notorious for crapping up any space she lives in, but she has cleaned up Kim's room and has all of her stuff up there! It's great!

Kim calls or IMs me every day, and every day she adds to the list of things she needs that were left behind. I have a pile on the kitchen counter, and I'm going to mail it on Monday. Today's list item is her favorite tank top - it's sweatshirt grey and says "Wicked - a little bit", and she wears it constantly, so I don't know how she managed to leave it behind. I hope I can find it, now that Rachel put all of Kim's left-behind clothes away.

Scott called this afternoon to tell me that he and Carolyn were making apricot jam with apricots from their trees! They moved into a house that has cherries, peaches, and apricots all growing in the back yard! They were doing uh, something with cherries a couple of weeks ago - I think freezing them. They are enjoying it so much, and I think it's cool.

When Scott was a baby, Inger and I were going to make some kind of jam, and now that I think about it, it might have been cherry, because I remember sitting at the table, pitting cherries. We kept sending Rich to the store for more sugar, more pectin, more jars, and he pointed out that we were spending a lot of money on the cherry project, and wouldn't it be cheaper to just buy cherry jam? Yes, and it was a big mess, too, and I don't remember that it was very successful. Some of the cherry stuff, which never did set up properly, and was more like a thick syrup, actually got mold on top because it wasn't sealed right. We did eat some of it, though, probably on the waffles Rich used to make. Mmm, waffles.

11:13 p.m. - 2007-06-30


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