monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


I'm at work and short on patience, but there are plenty of patients. Har!

I'm at work, I'm crabby and I have a headache. Feel my pain, people, feel it!

So I was inspired by Diana's comment on my last entry, where she said that she's working on the skull sweater that she started, oh, about two years ago, and I decided to finish some of the things I've been saying I'm going to finish.

I pulled out the sweater for Carolyn and finished the neck edge, so all it needs now is a big button, and it's finished! Yay!

While I was watching TV tonight I worked on the tie belt of the Ivy wrap sweater for Rachel. All of the pieces are done, and it just needs two ties, each of them 8 stitches wide and 60" long, so I can slog through those over the next couple of days and then sew it all together. I've got three movies from Netflix to help me get through the tie-knitting boredom.

Next I'm going to finish the Telemark sweater. I started that, when? Last year? I finished all of the pieces, but I stalled on the finishing because the pattern directs you to do a crocheted steek, and I don't want to try that. I can do a regular steek, but I'll have to knit facings at the top of the sleeves, and I'm running short on the yarn I used, which is Telemark yarn in Dark Navy that I got from Knitpicks. I could just order more of the yarn, but every time I try to order from the Knitpicks website, I have so much trouble signing in. I keep getting sent back over and over with the site telling me my password is wrong, but I checked and it's right!

So I hate Knitpicks and I am not going to order from their lousy website again. It's not like it's the first time I've been frustrated with their site. Bastards. I am going to knit facings on my sleeves until I run out of yarn, and then I'll change to Patons Wool in Navy to do the last few rows.

When that sweater is done, I think all of my WIPs will be done! I can start a new bunch of projects. I need to make some baby sweaters for RA's daughters, because all three of them are having babies this year, and make a shawl for Scott's baby, and a maternity sweater for Carolyn. I have a new book of baby patterns, and some old books I bought because I knew I would have someone to knit for someday, so woot! Tiny knitting!

I do have some SIPs (Socks in Progress), but I always have those. A white pair for Rachel, a grey pair for Ash, and I think I'll start a pair for Kim...

12:06 a.m. - 2007-07-04


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