monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


It's a jungle out there.

Rachel was gone to work when I got up, and Rich was watching TV in the living room with Buffy. I called RA to see what she was doing, and she invited me to her house for an indoor picnic later. I didn't want to go, but it sounded like only her sister-in-law was going to be there later, and I know RA likes to have people over on holidays, so, trying to be a good friend, I said I could probably make it.

In the meantime, we made a run to the fabric store, because one of the girls in the admitting department, who is planning her wedding for this Fall, told me that there was sheer vellum paper at that store. You know, the little sheets that go over the photo enclosed with a wedding announcement? So we went to the store and looked around, and finally asked a clerk, but they don't carry it. When I got back home, I looked on the internet and found what I need. It comes in 8 1/2 x 11 sheets, so RA and I will be cutting that into smaller pieces, but we can do that.

While I was ordering paper on the internet, Heidi showed up, bringing her daughter over to clean my house! I love that kid! She does a great job, and never complains about the dog being around. I forced invited Heidi to come in and look at pictures of wedding cakes with me, and she patiently did that.

While Chelsea cleaned, I picked up some stuff that was laying around, and then I sat in a chair and played Animal Crossing. RA called to see if I was coming over, and as soon as Chelsea finished, I went to RA's house.

She usually has the same group of friends over for every holiday get-together, and they aren't really people that I think are fun, but this time it was only her sister-in-law, who told us a story about her son. Her son is the apple of her eye, her only child, who was born when she was older, and can do no wrong. Apparently she was unable to get out of her spa tub because her knee locked up, but she had a nightgown within reach, so she put that on and called Golden Boy to help her out of the tub and he came in, made fun of her for a minute or two, and left again to get back to a televised basketball game!

I was just staring at her, and she laughed like it was a very funny joke on her that she was stuck in the tub and her son mocked her but didn't pull her out! She said that later he came back, mocked some more and finally helped her out. I tell you what, I would have been propelled out of that tub by the power of my own fury and beaten him senseless, but that's just me and I don't take crap from my kids. Of course, I have raised kids who respect me (or at least fear me) too much to give me that kind of crap. Not everyone is familiar with that concept.

She started talking after that about how when she married her husband, she didn't have a TV because she didn't watch TV and neither did he, and I just tuned her out for a while after that, because I hate people who think it's a mark of their intelligence that they don't watch TV. I think that just explains why they are so boring - they are unfamiliar with pop culture references and usually don't have a sense of humor, either. RA mentioned her love for HGTV, and I chimed in and confessed that I am mesmerized by the Weather Channel, and it turns out that the Golden Boy's mother is also a fan of HGTV, so apparently she watches some TV now, in her old age. After that I left. I can really only stand her for a limited amount of time. Also, I needed to get a nap before work, and I desperately wanted to call Diana and tell her the story about the evil son who didn't help pull his mom out of the tub.

I did take a nap, but only for an hour, and when I woke up I watched a couple of hours of the Monk marathon and knitted facings on the sleeves of the Telemark sweater.


Kim had an adventure today, so go here and read about it. Apparently it is hot and dry in Utah. Who knew?

2:48 a.m. - 2007-07-05


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