monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


7-21-07. Who Will Die?

13 days until the release of The Deathly Hallows.

3 days until Order of the Phoenix.

34 days until Rachel's wedding!

It's so freaking hot and humid here! It's making my hair look wild, like that episode of Friends, when they all go on vacation to an island, and Monica's hair keeps getting bigger and bushier. Yeah, that's how my hair is looking. So pretty.

So all weekend it was hot, and I didn't do much, except sit in the living room in front of the window air conditioner (ghetto) and play Animal Crossing and knit. Because when it's really hot and humid I like to have a lap full of wool sweater.

I'm making a sweater for RA's new grandchild, who is going to be born any day, and she gives me the daily update. I am being tolerant and (pretending to be) interested, because someday I might want an audience while I babble about grandchildren. I hope I won't bore anyone with that stuff, but you never know.

So this weekend Rachel was so excited because Ash was coming up to visit, and they were going to look for a place to live, which is on the Wedding To-Do list, for week 5. They did find a place and are hoping to start moving in next weekend!

Saturday morning I was planning to go to the Farmers Market with RA, because Heidi was there, selling pastries again. Rachel wanted to go, too, and Ash came along with slightly less enthusiasm. We bought some vegetables, too, and bread! I love having homemade bread that I didn't have to bake when it's 90 outside.

It was our weekend to clean the church, and I wasn't happy about that at all, but all four of us went over and did it, even the ones who weren't happy about it, and it didn't take as long as I thought it would. We go to a ward of mostly older people, with a very small primary group, and almost no toddler-aged kids, so there weren't any Cheerios or crayons to clean up, and the rest of the church was pretty clean. When we got to the church, we divided up the list of things that had to be done, and I told everyone that the plan was to do a half-assed job and get out of there as soon as possible. We were probably done in less than an hour, so yay!

After that, Rachel and Ash went to Rockford to look at apartments and then meet up with her friends to work on the movie, Rich went outside to do yard work and I folded a couple of baskets of laundry and made turkey soup.

While the soup was cooking, which is actually a long process, because first you make stock from the carcass, I knitted and watched TV in the cool of the living room. Rich came in and took a shower, then napped, and I may have napped for a while, too. I needed to catch up from the long week!

Really, the whole weekend was just naps and showering, because of the heat. There were some amusing moments, like when Ash was making fun of our dog, who is big and white with black spots, and some smart-asses people think she resembles a cow, so there was mooing. There was some laughing at the expense of the cats, too.

If anything exciting happens, I'll let you know.

11:03 p.m. - 2007-07-08


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