monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Go Fish was a black and white Indy film by and about lesbians.

I have to tell you something. I have to tell you how much I am in love with these socks. I love them so much that I can't stop working on them. I may not sleep until they are finished, even if it takes me until Sunday. I love the knitting, the cool dropped stitches pattern and also, I love the description of Bellatrix, that "Her evil grates on you like 1000 runs in your stockings."

Other than these socks, the only other things I did today were some laundry, and that made me so happy because I found my favorite bra and I'm wearing it now (You're welcome for that imagery, now go wash your brain with bleach.), and I made some phone calls about wedding stuff.

The thing about the wedding is, that I thought I was being so clever by having it at a guest house, and by hiring a caterer! I thought that I would just be able to put it all into the hands of professionals, and there would be nothing for me to do but to show up and enjoy myself.

I was wrong about all of that. I have to keep deciding things, and also, filling out paperwork and adding things up, and there was something about percentages, but I started getting woozy and had to lay down. I hate math. I've been putting off some of it, but today I just did it. I called up the guest house, and I told her she needed to hold my hand (figuratively speaking) while I filled out her papers to send back, and she kindly did just that. Then I called the cake lady and she went through the same process with me, and now I am done with both of those and can mail them tomorrow. I still have to have a phone conference with the caterer, but we keep missing each other, so on the day of the reception, we may find ourselves snacking on Diet Pepsi and Doritoes, but at least we will be eating them in lovely surroundings, and there will be cake.

I am so excited about the Order of the Phoenix movie, and I'm intensely jealous that Ash went to see it at midnight. I probably wouldn't actually do that myself, because you know my horror of big crowds of strangers, and also my super power - the ability to magnetically attract chatty strangers to sit behind me in movie theaters and talk, and those two things keep me from seeing movies in theaters when they first open. I hardly ever go to the movies at all, because if I don't go when they first open, well, I might as well wait until it comes out on DVD and then watch it at home.

I want to see this one badly enough to actually go to the theater and sit with people I don't know, who will be talking and playing with their cell phones, but I really want to see Helena Bonham Carter playing Bellatrix, so I will go.

I love her! She is so beautiful, and I remember seeing her in a movie with Steve Martin, where she had an American accent and he was a dentist. The movie was called Novacaine, and I didn't recognize her at first, I just thought she was beautiful and couldn't stop staring at her. Scott watched the movie with me, and afterward he mocked me and said I couldn't even pick a good Steve Martin movie.

Scott does not appreciate the opportunities he has had, in being exposed to many excellent and unusual movies that other people his age have not seen. It has broadened his horizons, and opened his mind to be more accepting of diversity, dammit! Ask him if he remembers Go Fish. Heh.

3:08 a.m. - 2007-07-11


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