monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


I wish I had some pizza.

Oh my goodness, I am wet, like bear! I was home getting ready for work, you know, playing a little Free Cell, putting some cans of Diet Pepsi in my work bag, packing up some knitting - don't judge, it's how I get ready for work! - and I noticed there was a lot of lightening and thunder, but no rain was coming down.

10 minutes later, when I left the house? It was pouring! Why I didn't grab an umbrella I really can't say. I don't know what I was thinking. Rich had driven the van earlier and it was parked out on the street instead of under the carport, so I had to walk out to the street in the rain, drive the four blocks to work, and then walk into the building from the (closest) area of the parking lot in the rain, and by the time I got inside, well, I was wet. Very wet.

I told Lana, the afternoon shift operator, that it was raining very hard, and she cleverly pulled a collapsible umbrella out of her work bag! How smart is that? I wish I had an umbrella in my work bag, but I only have a lot of yarn and some randowm knitting patterns, and a bottle of Tylenol PM.

So I worked on wedding invitations again today, and I have made much progress! Thanks to RA, who came over again to talk me off the ledge. She actually set up my program to print the addresses on the envelopes, but it was a bit complicated and I was getting very frustrated, the way I do when faced with computery things that don't intuitively know what I want them to do, and then just do it! So she came over and we got all the names printed that were on the main list, but I still have to print the names and addresses from the three other lists that I have, and I doubt that I will be able to do it without her help.

So I have more envelope printing to do tomorrow, and then stuffing the envelopes, and oh, I just remembered, I still have to cut the vellum sheets that lay on top of the photos that go into the invitations. I could weep. Good thing Rachel doesn't have to work tomorrow, because she is going to be my little slave!

11:44 p.m. - 2007-07-17


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