monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Just rent the truck, dammit!

What a day. When I got up, Rachel was stuffing envelopes with wedding announcements, so I sat down and worked on that with her. We got all of the envelopes stuffed with the announcement, the picture, and the temple enclosure, for those who are invited to the temple ceremony. (There will be a ring ceremony at the reception for everyone to witness.) We stuffed, and stuffed, and stuffed.

Then I counted the envelopes and went to the Post Office to buy stamps. I took one completed invitation with me, and they weighed it to see if I needed extra postage, but yay! It was perfect.

Back at home, we started using wax sticks and a seal to seal the envelopes, but oh my goodness, what a mess! It drips, it doesn't spread evenly under the seal, and it burns when it gets on your finger, which sends an already overwrought bride crying to the kitchen.

Rachel is strung out with PMS, aggravated by apartment anxiety, and after I got her calmed down and led her away from the sink where she was sobbing, I gave her a Xanax, two Advil, and a couple of vitamins. My poor little girl.

We tried a few more of the wax seals (from Hell) and then decided to just abandon that effort altogether. She used a damp towel to wet the glue on the envelope flaps, and I stuck the postage stamps on the envelopes. Some of the stamps are crooked, but I'm calling it a design element.

Rich came home during the whole envelope debacle, and I swear to you that if he smugly says "Email!" one more effing time, I will rip out his heart and spit in the hole in his chest. Idiot.

We loaded up the boxful of invitations and drove to the P.O. again, and got them all into the letterbox in time for the last pickup of the day!

We were going to see a movie after that, but Rachel is convinced that Order of the Phoenix will be too stressful for her delicate emotional state at this time, so I think we're going to see Ratatouille. Some soothing animation and a paper tray of theater nachos, what is better than that?

The movie doesn't start until later, so Rich went to the store to buy milk, pop, and Cheetos, and we're going to play some euchre when he gets back. If we can get Rachel calm enough with Cheetos and cards, we won't need to go to the movies at all!

5:56 p.m. - 2007-07-19


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