monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Think I'll write a screenplay...think I'll get it done yesterday

Okay, I know I haven't written anything in a few days, and I'm sure all five of you that read this have missed me terribly, so I'm going to force myself to write, but it won't be very entertaining.

Let's see...Thursday Rachel was having a breakdown, but we soldiered on and got the wedding invitations in the mail. Woot!

Friday was better, she was feeling slightly better, helped by the afternoon in which Rich took some time off from work, and we all went to the movies. We bribed Rachel to go to the Order of the Phoenix, by promising her some movie nachos, and we took RA with us. Rachel was still in a delicate state of emotions, and she cried all through the movie, so she couldn't enjoy her nachos. Rich ate them later.

After the movie, she had two messages on her voice mail from landlords who wanted to rent to her and Ash, so her life became better, and by extension, so did ours. Whew!

Saturday morning I got up early, and went with RA to get breakfast, which we ate while sitting in the car in the parking lot at Sh0pko, waiting for the store to open so we could buy The Book! About 10 other people were there, too, and as soon as the doors were unlocked, we went straight to the table where The Book was selling for 24.99, and we all said, "It's cheaper at Walm@art, so everyone left and drove to Walm@rt and I bought two copies, because I had one coming from Amazon, but it wouldn't be arriving until later in the afternoon, and I bought the second copy so that everyone would have one and we wouldn't have any waiting for someone to finish so another one could read.

I went home and started reading, and then it was time to meet Ash at the new apartment in Rockford, so Rich and I drove over there to help him move his stuff. He hadn't arrived yet, so we drove around the neighborhood to see what it was like. It's an older neighborhood, with a lot of Mexican stores and restaurants, very funky.

I helped Rich and Ash carry boxes upstairs and when they got to the bigger stuff, I pulled out The Book, and sat down on the front porch with the landlord, who was reading it too. It was very pleasant.

After we unloaded the truck, we ate at a restaurant just a couple of blocks from the apartment. The food was good, but I had to call Diana to ask her what the bowl of lime pieces was for. She said it was a condiment, and that the pickled vegetables in containers on the tables were an indication that the restaurant was authentic Mexican. Today I got a text message from her saying that a friend told her the pieces of lime were a puzzle that we were supposed to put together. Har.

It was my weekend off, and Rachel worked the day shift in the ER on Saturday and Sunday. Rich and I took Ash to church with us, and I had The Book with me, but I left it in the car. It was just too big to hide in a hymnal! Rich teaches a Sunday School class for teenagers, and I went to the adult SS class with Ash, who has been there four times now, and every time they act like they've never seen him before, and he has to introduce himself again.

The SS teacher was getting on my nerves, like she always does, and I had to text message Diana during class so I wouldn't lose my mind. I told her the class was killing me, and she said I should pinch Ash to relieve my suffering. I told her that he didn't know about pinching - how if I am suffering from the idiocy of people around me, I quietly pinch my children or whatever unfortunate friend is with me to relieve my suppressed feelings (ask Diana about the time I almost pinched her arm off during a conversation with our Aunt Marilyn)- and Diana wrote back that it was time for him to learn!

When that class was over, I passed Ash off to Rich to go to Elders Quorum, and I escaped to the car and read The Book for an hour.

The rest of Sunday passed by in a blur of napping and cooking, and I finished reading The Book, so there were phone conversations with Inger, and my friend Kathy in Michigan, in which we reviewed the story.

Rachel drove Ash back to Indiana today, so when I got up this afternoon, the house was empty. RA was cleaning her basement in a frenzy of housekeeperliness, and invited me to come watch, as if that would be an enticing prospect. Um, no thanks. I stayed home and wandered around my house, occasionally checking my email, reading gossip websites, and, oh yeah, I read a book, just an ordinary library book that started out good and ended in suckage. Ugh. It's such a loser, I'm not even going to tell you the title.

So I'm back at work now. I just realized that Barb's birthday is on Thursday, which means I need to knit the second sock of the pair I plan to give her! I'm making the Fawkes sock from the Socktopia website, with the yarn I dyed with Kool Aid. Gotta get to work!

11:13 p.m. - 2007-07-23


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