monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Carolyn is a music ninja!

Rachel drove back from Indianapolis last night, and she stopped at her apartment in Dekalb to sleep there, because she was tired of driving, and she was still over an hour away from home. She said today that it felt so good to sleep in her own bed, that she wanted to bring it home and set it up in Kim's room.

So that was the plan for tonight. I called Rich and he was willing to go down to Dekalb to bring the bed back in the van after work.

We collected a few more addresses for wedding invitations, and got those ready to go out in the mail, then we checked over the weekly To-Do list, to see what we need to do this week to prepare for the wedding. We have a few odd jobs to check off this week, but nothing big.

When Rich got home he walked the dog and then we went to dinner at the Chinese buffet restaurant, where we saw PBJ, who said he was in town to go to a couple of job interviews. He just graduated from college with a degree in IT, but he still wants to be a chef, and his interviews are in the food industry. I mentioned that there might be a tech job open where I work, but he said he doesn't want to do any help desk work, or hook up hardware, and uh, yeah, that's what the techs do, so it's not for him.

I went home for a nap after dinner, and Rich and Rachel went to pick up her bed.

Three hours later I was awake and they were back. Buffy was so excited! Rich gave me the leash and asked if I could just keep her out of the way, so I tried to take her for a walk around the block, but she would not go with me! She dug in her feet and would not leave that spot! So I held her back, and she strained against the leash, watching their every move!

Rich got up on the ladder and took the box spring up over the balcony, through our room, and into the room Rachel is using (formerly Kim's room), because we've tried before, but we couldn't get her box spring up the stairs. It gets stuck on the landing.

When everything was in the house, Rich took Buffy for a walk, and I kept Rachel company while she put her bed together. She was talking on the phone the whole time to Ash, and my job was just to pick up all of her dirty clothes from the floor to clear space for her to work in. She has put the bed together by herself every time she's moved, so she is very efficient at it. She didn't put the headboard on, but we can do that later. She just wanted to put together the frame so she could sleep on it. I helped her put on clean sheets and then we took a picture to send to Kim of how different her room looks!

So Rachel was looking forward to a shower and getting into her own bed, and I packed my bag and left for work.

When I got here, well, first Lana had to give me her nightly long boring report of every minute thing that happened on her shift (yawn), and finally she went home and I could sit down and drink a soda in peace!

Then Nancy from Housekeeping, who cleans our office, came in and sat down to chat. I love her! She is a little old lady who tells me about her cat, and always asks me if I'm being good to my husband. "Are you feeding him?" "Feed him? He knows how to make a bowl of cereal!" Then she asks if he is getting any booty (and I have no idea how little old dears learn that kind of talk!) and I tell her that when he wants that kind of thing I remind him that we just did it last month, and that sex is just one more damn thing to take your clothes off for, which she thinks is pretty funny. (Rich, if you're reading this, I'm joking, she knows you're a Viking in the sack!)

So I was sitting and talking to Nancy, and suddenly I felt something shift and the lens fell out of my glasses! I picked it up and then because I was blind without my glasses, Nancy checked to see if the screw was still in the side, and it was, but hey! Blind! So I was wondering if maybe Mike in Maintainance had a little screwdriver and if he could fix them, but then I thought of Rachel, who is a licensed optician!

I called home, and Rachel was kind enough to get out of bed, and come to work to fix my glasses! Yay! You know, I used to be an optician myself, and had I not been blind (blind!) I could have fixed my own glasses, but now that I'm old I can't see without them!

Rachel hung around for a little while, but it was late, and she wanted to go home and enjoy her bed. We made an Oozaroo list, which is what Scott calls my daily job list since he started calling me a monkey 10 years ago (Oozaroo means big monkey in Japanese), and then Rachel went home.

I've been reading The Book (for the second time) and knitting the sock for Barb tonight. I'm not even down to the heel flap, and I've got the heel and the entire foot to go! Her birthday is tomorrow, so I'm going to have to knit like a machine to get this done by tomorrow morning!

4:52 a.m. - 2007-07-25


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