monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Please pass the breathmints?

All I can think of this morning is how many things I have to do before we leave on Friday to be in Nauvoo for the wedding on Saturday. Really, I just keep replaying the list in my head. It doesn't help that I have PMS, either!

Here is today's list. Note that by "Today's List", I don't necessarily mean things that need to be done today, I mean things that are on my mind today. Tomorrow's list may be different.

  • 1. Buy red shoes.
  • 2. Finish Carolyn's sweater.
  • 3. Hem the pants of Ash's tux.
  • 4. Bustle up the train of Rachel's dress.
  • 5. Finish Kim's shrug.
  • 6. Call the caterer with the final number of guests.
  • 7. Find the website of the airport shuttle for Diana.
  • 8. Find out when Jenna's plane arrives, and where!
  • 9. Pick up Kim's yearbook.

Sometimes just writing it all down makes me feel in control. I just keep cycling the list through my head so I don't forget anything, but once it's all written down, I don't have to keep going over it - it's written down!

I made everything as easy as I could by having the reception at the guest house, and having it catered. If I had to run all over to do the shopping and food preparation this week, and then decorate the reception area at the church, knowing I'd have to disassemble it all and clean up afterward? I'd be chewing on Xanax like they were breath mints! All we have to do is show up and enjoy it, and yet, I'm nervous that there is something I haven't thought of, and that there are questions I need to be asking, and OMG, I can't keep worrying about it.

Here are the things I need to keep reminding myself so that I can calm down and just be happy.

-My cousin Diana is coming on Thursday.
-So are Scott, Carolyn and Kim.
-Rachel is happy. If Rachel is happy, I'm happy.
-Ash is a kind and caring person who loves her. She's not marrying an asshat.
-If things don't work out, I can have him killed.

Breathe. Breathe. Breathe.

4:43 a.m. - 2007-08-06


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