monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Cook something!

I was trying to think of something meaningful that I did today, but oops! Did nothing! Well, that's not entirely true - I went to the grocery store, where I bought only cat litter, a bag of brown rice (hello, rice cooker! love you!), and a six-pack of Diet Pepsi. That's all!

Then I went home, sat in front of the computer and umm, read things for a couple of hours. Oh my goodnes, I am so boring. Part of that time was spent playing around with my webcam, setting it up so Kim can see me when we're talking on MSN Messenger. She thought that was fun, and she asked if she could see the cats, but there weren't any cats available at the time, as they were all very busy with sleeping on my bed. Which is upstairs, and I didn't want to make the journey upstairs to wake one up, and then have to carry a disgruntled, sleepy cat downstairs. I turned the camera on our spoiled dog, who was sleeping on the couch in the den, and she had to be satisfied with that.

Tonight Kim was online again (Kim is always online, just like me!) and Rich danced Patsy around in front of the camera to amuse her. I want to make a regular webcam site so that all of our kids can watch our fascinating life. When Kim left her apartment, I called Rachel and she signed on to watch Patsy dance, but by then Patsy was darn sick of dancing, so I hauled Chester into the den and held him up for the cam. He wasn't so very happy about that either. One of the girls suggested bringing Zorro in for the camera, but Rich said he was scared for his life if he did that!

I made dinner at home again, and as I made it, I thought about how easy and tasty that recipe is, so I'm going to share it with you. The recipe was given to me by my Aunt Marie, who was actually my great-aunt, and she lived with my mom for a couple of years when I first got married. She gave me the recipe to make it for two people, but it can be easily stretched to feed a family. Now it works nicely for two...sniff...

Aunt Marie's Red Beans and Rice for Two

1 can red or pinto beans
1 large tomato (or 1 can diced tomatoes)
1 large clove garlic
1/2 package of bacon, cut into 1" pieces
1/2 c rice (I use 1 c rice because I like more rice)

1. Dice the tomato, and mince the garlic. Set aside.

2. Saute the bacon until crispy and brown.

3. Add the garlic and stir it around for about one minute.

4. Add the tomato and stir to saute for a minute or two.

5. Add the rice, and enough water to cook the amount of rice you are using. If you are using 1/2 c rice, then add 1 cup of water, if you are using 1 c of rice, then add 2 c water. (You can also used leftover cooked rice, just stir it into your bacon/tomato mixture and cook until it's hot.)

6. Turn down the heat, cover the pan, and let it cook until the rice is done. Add more water if you need to, to keep the rice from sticking to the bottom of the pan during cooking.

7. Taste the rice and add salt if needed. Aunt Marie added oregano to her recipe, but I almost never do.

There you go, something to make for dinner. Go buy some bacon.

12:00 a.m. - 2007-08-28


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