monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Planet Crazy, redux.

I came to work early tonight to fill in for someone who called off. I wasn't doing anything except talking to Diana on the phone, so I packed up my knitting and came in.

We made the trip to Planet Crazy and it was an okay trip. There was lots of family at the party, and Sarah was inviting all the cousins back to her and Inger's room to have an after-party. Rich and I went, with Buffy, and so did Diana's brother Chuck and his wife Debbie, and it was really fun to talk to them. Rich took Buffy out to potty about 11 and then went up to bed in our room, and I stayed until midnight, when we all decided we'd better get some sleep.

I went up to our room, and found Buffy sleeping comfortably on the bed with Rich (!) so I chased her off, but she was confused when I woke her up from a sound sleep and at first she didn't get it, so we had to chase her around the bed before she would get down on the floor!

I don't know why I bothered, because I wasn't ready to sleep, anyway. I took my knitting and my book and went to the living room of our suite (oh yes, it was very posh) and sat on the couch to read and knit. I was trying to be kind to Rich, who had done all the driving that day, and I just wasn't ready to sleep yet. I'm usually working at that time of night!

Kim called at about 12:30. She said her new roommate had moved into the room and was sleeping while Kim was still up playing Guild Wars. That's my girl! She's a night owl like me. I asked if she was bothering her roommate by talking on the phone, but apparently she is a heavy sleeper, so it wasn't a problem. We'll see how that is a bit further down the road. Rachel used to take the phone into the bathroom to talk to me at night so her roommate could sleep!

I talked to Kim for a while, and when we hung up, I took a sleeping pill, because the last I'd heard, people were planning to go back to the house in the morning to say their goodbyes to Gma, and I wanted to get some sleep so I could get up reasonable early.

That was my plan, but then I took my book to read in bed until I got sleepy, and while I was reading, Buffy got up and paced around, so Rich woke up and thought she wanted to go out to potty again. (Rich thinks any time the dog twitches, it's because she needs to go out. He is often wrong.) Just to be friendly, I got up and got dressed, too, and by the time we were both dressed, the dog? She was laying down on the floor, and didn't act interested in getting up again.

We got back in bed, and since we were both awake, well, you know. After which I was still awake, and the dog was pacing again, so I got dressed and took her out to potty. This time she did need to go, and after that, the sleeping pill had kicked in, so I slept.

Only to wake up five hours later, and it was pretty much time to get up. Sarah and Inger wanted to go out to breakfast, so we packed and dressed and checked out of the hotel, had breakfast, and then decided that it was too late for Sarah and Inger (and Kate, did I mention that Kate was there, too?) to go to Gma's because they needed to be at the airport.

We knew that there would be other people back at Planet Crazy visiting with Gma, and there was nothing less appealing to me than joining that crowd, so we went yarn shopping instead.

Rich made me call Gma to let her know we weren't going to stop in, and she tried to guilt me into it, but I could hear the crowd of voices in the background, and then they suddenly got louder! I asked what was going on and she hinted that someone's kid was acting obnoxious, and then I was really glad we weren't going there.

We found the yarn shop, and Rich walked Buffy around and then sat and talked to Ash at a little cafe table in the sun outside the shop, while Rachel and I looked at yarn. The store is called String of Purls, and we visited there two years ago when Rachel and I took a trip to Planet Crazy and we needed retail therapy afterward! I bought some sock yarn and a stupidly expensive pin that I immediately regretted, but oh well, it will make a nice gift - hey, RA's birthday is tomorrow!

We got home before 7, and Rachel and Ash left right away to go home. We were all tired! Rich and I went up to bed at nine, and watched a little TV, but we were asleep by 10!

So it was a good trip. We listened to Deathly Hallows on CDs, but only got through the first 8 disks, which isn't quite half of them. I started a baby sweater as we drove out of town on Friday, and it was almost done by the time we got home!

I love this sweater pattern - it's very similar to one that I have made at least 50 of, so I hardly need to look at the pattern at all. It's a raglan, knit in one piece from the top down, so no sewing when it's done! Woot!

Karin updated her journal and talked a lot about the new Interweave Knits, which made me go back and take a second look, and she's right, there are some good patterns in it. Before I start anything new, I need to finish the i-cord edging on Carolyn's sweater, and make two or three more baby sweaters. I might start something cable-y from the IK after that...

12:11 a.m. - 2007-09-03


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