monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I need a postage scale.

I was going to say I didn't do much today, but then I remembered that I did do something! It's the most fun I've had all week! I went to the grocery store to buy cat food and litter, and while I was there I remembered that I had some bulgur (cracked wheat) at home to make tabouli salad with, so I bought a cucumber to add to it, and then I needed some parsley and mint, but the mint was $2.50 for just a handful, and the parsley in the store was the wrong kind, so I went home and called my friend Heidi, to see if she had mint and parsley in her garden. Of course she did!

I went over to Heidi's to get the herbs I needed and while I was there she said she needed some yarn, so we went to get some yarn at the yarn store so she could work on a sweater for her nephew. It was fun, and we both bought yarn for sweaters and got some cute buttons, too. Which is the most fun I've had all week!

Less fun was when I came home and made my tabouli, and sliced the HECK out of my finger when I was slicing tomatoes! It was bleeding like crazy, which made me feel woozy and I had to sit down, just like when I do math. I wrapped it up tight in a washcloth, and called Rachel for company while I was bleeding. Finally I was brave enough to check it again, and the bleeding had stopped, so I bandaged it up and finished making my salad. Whew!

This week I have been so bored and lonely, too bored to write anything in my journal because I haven't been doing anything except sit staring into my computer, broken by pauses to to see if there is anything interesting on TV (there isn't).

I was so bored that just to entertain myself, I decided to try knitting a sock from the toe up. (What? Did you think I was going to take up riding a unicycle? I knit!) I ripped out the entire first sock that I knitted with the STR Philosopher's Stone yarn, and started over again, following the directions that were in the Summer 2007 Interweave Knits. I have started working on a toe-up sock a few times but never gotten very far because it is fiddly little work, and it's so much easier to just knit the ordinary cuff-down sock that I always make, that I know so well that I can make it out of my head. This time it was just as fiddly as I remembered, but I forced myself to soldier on, and I was so pleased with the beautiful toe I made that I wound another skein of STR, this time in the Grandmas Flower Bed color, (or something like that), and started another one.

The only advantage that I see to working a sock from the toe up is that you can divide your skein in two and knit your sock until you are almost out of yarn, and then bind off. That's good when you have a skein of yarn and you want to use all of it, and not run out before you finish the second sock - you can wind your skein into two equal balls and knit each sock from one ball. Am I making this clear at all? So that's a good thing, and I like it, but now I need to buy a postage scale, so I can weigh my balls to make sure they are of equal size (pause for laughter from those who are five).

Me: Rich, I need to buy a postage scale.

Rich: (sighs) This is something to do with yarn, isn't it?

Haha, of course it is!

12:43 a.m. - 2007-09-08


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