monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I have a headache.

What I'm knitting today:

Still working on the toe-up socks and they are endlessly fascinating! Okay, that's a lie, but they are very beautiful, and I'm enjoying them.

What I'm reading today:

I read my good library book and I can't get interested in the others, so I don't have anything to read at home. At work I'm reading Underwater Light, a fanfic by Maya, who is a genius. I've read it before, and I'm enjoying rereading it. I'm looking forward to the next chapter of the her current Work In Progress, called Drop Dead Gorgeous.

How much my head hurts:

A lot. I have a headache, and I've taken some ibuprophen, and also some acetaminophen and I still have the headache. Not pleasant.

Update on my cut finger:

It was looking better until I scraped it against the faucet in the kitchen sink, and it started bleeding again. So it's bandaged, but has stopped throbbing. I can still knit, thank goodness.


Rachel and Ash came over to do their laundry, and brought the memory card for Ash's game of Animal Crossing so I could visit his village. Now I have orange trees! (He has fruit from my village, too, but hi! oranges!)

I haven't had enough sleep because Heidi keeps calling or dropping by for help with her baby sweater. I love to be popular, but I also need to sleep.

Kim wants me to send yarn and needles so she will have something to knit on when she is desperate for a distraction. Diana and I call it "Knitting for your life" and Kim has shortened that to Life Knitting. When Rachel was at my house today, she sorted some of her stuff so she could take things to the apartment, and we separated some yarn to be sent to Kim, so she will have 'Life Knitting,' and I promised to mail it on Monday.

My head hurts!

3:46 a.m. - 2007-09-09


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