monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


I knit and knit, but I never finish.

Remember when RA was gone and I was bored so I started knitting toe-up socks? It was here. That was fun for a couple of days, but I didn't like the way the heels looked, and I finished one sock and then didn't like the way the bind off looked, either, so I saved that one, but I ripped out the other sock and started it over from the cuff down.

Today I was getting ready to go to church, and I wanted something that I would be distracted by, so that if any of the talks or lessons were painful to listen to, I would have my knitting to look at. I picked up the second ball of STR Grandma's Flower Garden and some needles, and started knitting a sock from the toe up. I remembered how to do it, and it was wonderfully distracting! Not so much that I couldn't listen at all, but just enough so that I could turn all my attention over to the sock if I needed to. It was perfect, and I finished the toe shaping just as Sacrament Meeting ended.

The toe is so beautiful that I kept working on it in the car when Rich and I went to Rockford this afternoon. Ash is out of town for work, and Rachel wanted company, so we took more of her stuff and went to visit. She fed us some great meatball subs with meatballs she made herself! They were great, and not only because I love food that I didn't have to make!

We watched TV and knitted for a while, and then Rich and I headed home, but we told her we'd go back tomorrow and take her out to dinner.

I have about half of the foot done, and I have a plan for when I get to the heel, to make it better than the heel on the first sock. They won't be a perfect match, but they'll be close enough.

I looked at some sweater patterns this weekend and found a few things I'd like to make, but I have two sweaters that still need to be sewn together, and one that is almost done and then will need to be sewn together, and I just can't allow myself to start anything new until those are done. I hope that will encourage me to do some finishing! I have a big pile of movies to watch, so I'll try to get at least one of those sweaters done this week.

What I really want to do is make some scarves, just scarves, and maybe a couple of hats, and then more socks. Things that won't take a long time, and then when they are done, they don't need massive finishing. But then I start looking at sweaters, and thinking about making sweaters...

So it was a nice three-day weekend, and I'm back at work tonight. I've got knitting, and something to read, and oh yeah, some work to do, too.

11:49 p.m. - 2007-09-16


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