monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which technology serves my ends.

I've had the terrible head cold for 3 days and this morning I finally started to feel better! Yay! I slept a lot today, and that turned out to be a good thing, because Barb called tonight and said that Lana was sick and needed to go home, and could I go to work early? So I came in early, and here I am, but feeling much better. The cold is almost completely gone from my head, but some of it has moved to my chest, so there is wheezing and also coughing.

Rachel and Ash both have this cold or something like it, but Grandma and Grandpa visited over the weekend, so everyone had to buck up and make an appearance. I slept all morning on Saturday after working Friday night, but everyone else went golfing, and then when I woke up they were home and ready to go find some lunch.

We ate at a really awful place, and I plan to never go there again. It was Hillbilly Heaven, I swear. I told Rich we need to start eating out more so we can find the good places around here, and not let his dad pick a place on his own.

After lunch we went back to our house, where Rich and his dad bonded over a football game, and Ash took a nap. Rachel and I played a game with Bertha, a Harry Potter trivia game we've had for years. It's so old that I think the questions only cover the first three books!

Rachel and I both felt awful, so we invited Bertha to come up to my room and we got into bed. Rachel played a video game to entertain us, Bertha rocked in the rocker, and I knitted. When Ash woke up, he came in and lay down on the bed, too, and took over the game from Rachel, allowing her to lay back under the blankets. Later I realized that both of them have played that game a lot, because they just competently played through to the end and talked about which parts of the ending fireworks show were their favorites. It's good for married people to have life experiences in common, heh.

Rich's parents went back to the hotel and Rich was still downstairs, and Rachel had a temperature, or maybe it was Ash, but we needed the Advil but were too sick to go get it ourselves, so I called Rich on the house phone with my cell phone and asked if he would bring some up for us. He did it, but was mightily sarcastic about it! He acted like it was the laziest thing in the world to call your own living room from your bedroom! You know you've done it, too!

11:55 p.m. - 2007-09-23


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