monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I watch crappy movies and sleep.

I know, I never write, I never call...

I've just been really tired, and dragging around feeling depressed every day, and yesterday I really thought about how long I've been feeling like that, and I realized it's been since I started taking a different over-the-counter sleeping pill! That's an easy problem to solve - stop taking them!

So yesterday my family left at noon to go to Cedar Point, and I am home with the dog. Rachel and Ash had planned a trip to CP back in the Spring, but the day before they were to leave, they realized it didn't open until the next weekend, so they went to Holiday World in Indiana, instead. They've been wanting to get to CP all summer, but they were busy getting married and moving and whatnot, so this is their trip, and Rich went along, because Rich is always up for riding roller coasters.

Buffy is a very sad dog, who misses her daddy. She was sleeping by the back door all night, hoping he would come home, but I think today she is resigned to being here with me.

I watched 2 movies last night and part of a third, but I just couldn't care enough to watch the whole thing. I watched Boogie Nights, Scrabylon, and about 20 minutes of Carnal Knowledge. Scrabylon was my favorite! I love to listen to people talk about their obsessions! There was a guy in it who talked about how he tried to explain his obsession with Scrabble to someone he was dating, and she said she understood what he meant, and then she showed him her knitted lace doily and he didn't get that comparison at all! She should have showed him her stash, and maybe he would have had a clue!

Boogie Nights was entertaining, but by the time it ended, I was sick of hearing the F word! I use it all the time, but geez, not really all the time! When I called Diana later, I told her I was going to stop cursing just because I was sick of hearing bad and vulgar language in that movie! It had all the actors I love in it, and I even have a certain affection for Burt Reynolds now (who I have never liked) because he's so likeable in that movie.

After the movies, I started reading my new book, Drunk, Divorced and Covered in Cat Hair, by Crazy Aunt Purl! It's great! Her marriage broke up and she learned to knit just for something to do when she was falling apart, and she started writing a knitting blog, too. It was about the time that Rachel and Dave broke up, and then Jeanette and Ratpick broke up too, so I was sending them both to read Crazy Aunt Purl because she was miserable, but also, funny!

As I started reading, I thought that I'd better take a pill so I could sleep because the dog would be wanting to get up early to go out for a walk, and RA would want to go out to breakfast, and I got up and took my old standby, Tylenol PM.

I got a lot of knitting done while I was watching movies and reading last night! I am making a sweater for Kim from the new - It's the pattern called Mr. Greenjeans, and I'm knitting it in the brilliant Lime green Lambs Pride that I bought in Dekalb when Diana was here a couple of years ago.

I cast on for the first sock of a pair for Kim last night, too, because apparently she needs socks, not having packed any when she left for school. I'm not sure what she did pack, actually, since I have had to mail pretty much everything in her room to her this month. She's only got a couple of pair of short golf socks with her, from the way it sounds. So I'll knit a pair or two before we go out there.

I was about halfway through the book when I felt sleepy and turned out the light, and now it's morning and I'm awake, and I feel okay again! So yay! I'm going out to breakfast now...

8:15 a.m. - 2007-09-29


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