monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which Karin is the devil and tempts me mightily.

I was having weird dreams during my before-work nap tonight and woke up thinking about knitting. Actually I was thinking that it's all Karin's fault that I ordered yarn and needles from Knitpicks (after I said I was never going to order from them again, too!) and they are all dark colors, like I was thinking of knitting socks for men. Why would I do that? Rich doesn't want to wear my handmade socks (passive-aggressive much?) and Scott says he has enough socks (!!) so I don't know why I bothered buying sock yarn for men's socks (Ash?) except that I blame it on Karin for talking so much about knitting the cabled socks from the Yarn Harlot's pattern, and I was seduced by her persuasive powers!

As I was leaving the house this afternoon, my mailman was outside, sorting the mail in the back of his van, and he waved me over to give me two bags of sock yarn that had just arrived! He said he knew I would want those right away, and he would put the rest of the mail in the box for me. That is so sweet! He thinks it's funny that I get yarn in the mail all the time, and he knows if he delivers a box that is big, but not heavy, that it's full of yarn!

I was leaving the house to go shopping in Rockford with RA, and we were planning to meet up with Rachel for dinner later. RA needed to go to the exotic furnishings store to buy more beaded curtains (whatever) and then we made a stop at Old N@vy, where I got some things for Kim and a shirt to replace one of Rich's favorites that is unravelling at the cuffs because he's worn it so long.

Have I mentioned here that I can't throw away any of Rich's old clothes? He sees them when he takes out the trash, and then he drags them back into the house and fusses because they're still good! Now what I do is take the old shirt or whatever and throw it over on my neighbors porch, and when she finds a strange man's ratty old shirt on her porch, she knows where it came from, and she throws it away with her trash!

So we shopped, and then met Rachel for dinner after work. We went to a Mexican restaurant that she has been to before, and it was good. I brought half of my big burrito home with me, and left it in the fridge for Rich to eat tomorrow.

What I'm knitting today:

Still working on the Mr Greenjeans sweater for Kim. Hoping to have it done by the time we see her in Provo next week.

Also for Kim, I'm finishing a pair of socks knit with Socks That Rock yarn in the color Philosophers Stone. I'll finish sock #2 tonight.

Sock #1 of a pair of Monkey socks - an easy lace pattern. I'd like to get these done to take to Kim also.

I started a lacy sock using pink Tofutsies yarn, and I like it better this time than I did the first time I cast on with this yarn. It's a bit splitty, but not too bad. These are also meant for Kim, who didn't pack enough socks when she left home.

One more pair...I can't think, oh right, the first sock of a teal with colored stripes yarn that I bought a couple of weeks ago in Omaha. It's a different yarn that I haven't used before, but I can't remember the name. It's a wool and cotton blend. I've got as far as the heel flap on the first sock.

Will all of these socks be finished to take to Utah for Kim next week? I doubt it, but I should get quite a bit of knitting done on the drive out there.

11:38 p.m. - 2007-10-01


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