monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Sneaking around after dark.

I was reading some old journal entries last night, and remembering how much fun it was when I had Kim and her friends over here all the time! I miss them, even Sando, who I talked to in IM for a minute yesterday and I remembered how he doesn't talk much, and suddenly I knew why Kim couldn't ever get interested in him romantically - he's boring! Oh well, I'm sure she'll meet someone who is fascinating and has a lot of personality in the Medievel Club! (That just makes me laugh.)

So I'm starting to put things in a bag for Kim because we're going to Utah on Monday! Last night I used Priceline to get a motel reservation super cheap, and then after I was committed to it, when it was too late to change my mind, I called to see if they take dogs and they do, if the dog weighs less than 25 lbs! Uh, yeah. So I told Buffy she needs to lose 75 lbs by Tuesday, when we get to the motel. Just kidding, you know we're going to be sneaking her big butt in and out of that motel like burglars!

RA just called so I'm going to run to the store with her and find something to make for dinner. Won't Rich be surprised!

3:34 p.m. - 2007-10-04


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