monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Or maybe she doesn't like her pasta al dente.

It was 6:30 and we were sitting in the living room, flipping channels in an effort to find something to entertain us, and then Rich suggested we go to a movie.

I went to the internet, checked the listing for our little local theater and found that out of six movies showing there, only one looked watchable, and it started in 15 minutes!

I grabbed a ball of sock yarn and some needles, because I can't go to the movies without knitting, and we got there just in time for the previews. There were only two other people in the theater!

We saw The Seeker, which is based on a fantasy novel called The Dark is Rising. It's the second of a series of five books by Susan Cooper, and won a Newberry Award back in the 70s. I read the series a long time ago, when I bought it for Rachel from an elementary school book fair, and I remember being underwhelmed by it. In fact, I'm not sure that I read all five books, I kind of think I was bored and quit after the third one.

I didn't remember anything about the story at all, but by the time the movie was over, I was pretty sure that there had been liberties taken with the story. When I got home, I looked up some movie reviews and found that I was right, there were massive changes in the story when the movie was made, so I brought book one of the series to work with me tonight. I will try to read the series again, because one of the movie reviews was written by someone who loves the books and rereads them often. Huh.

The thing that bothered me the most about the movie was that the main character, a 14-year-old boy, finds out by accident that he was one of a set of twins, and that the other twin was stolen out of the crib when they were infants. He is the sixth of seven children, some of them are old enough to be living away from home, and no one has ever talked about the disappearance of their baby brother before? The mom tells him that they searched and searched, and yet, no one has ever mentioned the trauma that must have affected everyone in the family! That bothered me through the rest of the movie, because it was so unbelievable! I can accept the kid's amazing new powers (that he doesn't use much), and I can accept the time travel and the unlikely behavior of the wildlife, but I cannot believe that no one has ever mourned the missing baby brother out loud in the last fourteen years. Also, the kid's protectors, the Old Ones that are there to help him with the quest? They are so lame it hurts. They don't give him any training or advice, and do very little in the way of protection. Oh well, the kids were cute, especially the twins, and so was the (pointless) kitten, and it killed a couple of hours that otherwise would have been spent watching House Hunters on HGTV. I hate that show.

In knitting news, I am almost finished with the ribbing on the Greenjeans sweater for Kim. I still haven't sewn on buttons to the two baby sweaters, but I did look at the finishing instructions for the Ivy sweater, and I saw the first place to start the finishing. I needed a needle of the correct size, though, and I didn't feel like going to look for one, so I put it back in the basket. It's just that much closer to being finished now that I know what to do next!

I bought more scarf yarn for Kim today when I went to Joann Fabrics with RA to look for the Holiday IK. I didn't get the magazine yet, but finding it is half the fun. Well, maybe not half, but it's fun!

Oh, one more thing. Because we left in a hurry to get to the movie before it started, we left a bowl of spaghetti on the kitchen counter. On the way home, I remembered it and mentioned to Rich that I hoped it would still be there when we got home. We were half expecting the only thing left of the spaghetti to be a saucy smear on the floor, but it was still there when we got home, right where we'd left it. Buffy must not have been hungry.

11:25 p.m. - 2007-10-17


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