monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I am drinking water.

This morning I got an email from Rich's dad, all about the evils of Aspartame, so I'm thinking that I really need to cut down on the amount of diet soda I drink. Oh, the agony! Diet Pepsi is my friend! Always there for me! When I am tired, depressed, annoyed, happy, there is always a soda by my side, sharing the moment. Sigh. So I'll cut down, I'll drink more water, but what a drag. Especially since Diana and I are aware that we burned out our adrenal glands years ago, and I doubt very much that they will miraculously regenerate. I might as well resign myself right now to a life of dreary flat boredom. (Sad little monkey whine.)

Actually I had a conversation yesterday with Rich about my daily headaches, in which we were wondering why, exactly, I have a daily headache, and it occured to me that it might be caused by the intake of caffeine, so I was thinking I'd need to cut back anyway. Then the email from his dad today just came at the right time, so, yeah, we'll see where this goes. It may or may not be a lasting change.

So Rachel and Ash came over this afternoon to do their laundry and Rachel started knitting a sock while sitting in my new comfy chair, and she declared that she never wanted to leave the chair, and also, that she was loving the knitting, because she hasn't done any in a long time, what with going to nursing school and all.

I knitted the neckband of the Ivy sweater, but I couldn't find a pair of scissors in my house, the House of No Scissors, and it was pissing me off, so I piled all four of the UFOs (Unfinished Objects) back into the basket from whence they came, and started knitting a beautiful fingerless mitt. I'm making them for someone else, and I just realized that I don't know how big a hand she has, but I'm sure it's not as small as my tiny monkey paws, so I'm going to pull out what I did tonight and start over tomorrow on needles one size bigger.

Ash played video games to entertain us while we knitted, and it was all very pleasant.

I'm back at work tonight, and I brought the sweater for Carolyn to work on, because I want to get it done quickly. I brought The Dark is Rising to read while I knit, but it's a paperback, which is a bit hard to keep open, so I might have to read more of Maya's fan fiction instead.

2:02 a.m. - 2007-10-20


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