monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


It was a windy, sunny, beautiful Fall day.

When I woke up this afternoon, Rich was gone and it was just me and the dog. I got a pop and heated up some leftovers for breakfast, and sat down in front of the computer to read my mail.

There was a message from my brother Ed that just said to call him, because he didn't have my number. Okay, but I didn't have his number, either! I had it, two cell phones ago, and I probably have it written down somewhere, but I couldn't find it. (My address book is a mess and really, I need to get a new one and do some weeding out!)

I called Sarah, who didn't answer her home phone or her cell, and then I called Inger, who said she was shopping for her mother-of-the-bride dress, but she had Ed's number!

Turns out that Ed was in Chicago, where he's been visiting every weekend to see his girlfriend, and today they were planning to go to Rockford to get some pumpkins at a pumpkin farm!

"Rockford! I live near Rockford!" I said, and he said, "I know, that's why I wanted to talk to you!" So we agreed to meet at the pumpkin farm! Yay!

I ran to call Rachel and ask her to come, too, and then I took a shower, and then Rich was home! He was planning to mow the lawn and get a haircut, but I gave him a mean look, and he agreed to go with me. It was a good thing he did, too, because I had a map I got on the internet, but it was a little tricky and I would have been driving around lost for hours like I always do, and probably ended up in Wisconsin.

So Ed's girlfriend (fiance, really, but you know I hate to use that word) is really nice and very friendly. She had her daughter and her daughter's friend with her, who were about 14 or 15 and very cute and pleasant, and we all just walked around a giant field of pumpkins and squashes and gathered them up!

Ed impressed Rachel by knowing how to use pie pumpkins to make pumpkin pie, and promised to send us a recipe, so we bought many more pumpkins and squashes than really sane people would have, and then we had to load them in the car and drive back to the main building to pay for them.

We bought some apple cider and some donuts and a jar of pickled beets, too, and then we all took turns using the outhouse before we started driving home.

Rachel was headed out the other way to meet a friend, so we loaded Buffy and a lot of pumpkins into the van - did I mention that we took Buffy with us? She liked the pumpkin field!

By the time we got home, it was really time for me to go back to bed. I made a quick dinner and went to sleep, but Rich gutted some pumpkins, and arranged the rest of them (and the squashes, and I have to tell you, one of them looks quite obscene!) on a bench in the dining room.

So I'm back at work, with something to read and the fingerless mitts to work on. The instructions are in German, but I found that further down the page, they are written in English, so Whew! Because I don't so much read German!

I also have Carolyn's sweater to work on, so I should probably devote most of my night to that. I really want to get it done! But the mitts, the mitts of joy! I want to work on those! Choices, choices.

11:59 p.m. - 2007-10-20


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